Calling it now... (LFG addon)

I would expect they can achieve the outcome they need by not allowing add-on generated communications in global channels, but still allowing them to work locally, so once you are in a raid instance with people all the raid support addons can still share data.

I agree with you. That was all lumped into the “automated portion” I mentioned. Too hard to type too much atm, I’m on mobile. After the fix, it’ll need some tweaking, but i think it will survive and be limited to similar function as CtA.

Yea. I predict that as well.

just make it bannable, there solved.

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Ah ok, sorry, I assumed you meant just the auto-invite.

The “Auto invite” feature was NOT in the classic version. This is just hype brought up by peole like MrGM making videos about the addon using RETAIL.

Again, this is what led to all the WRONG spam in these forums.

Now, stop making these posts. Blizz made their decision. Let it rest.

Yeah? I’d worry about getting to level 2 first.

ban all addons…i cant think of a single reason we need any addons

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I can see item number 1 being straightforward.

Item #2 is likely to result in the breaking of ANY addon that uses a global channel. As that’s the simple fix.

Item #3 is a LOT more difficult.
As they’d have to break the ability of ALL addons to access talent information. That’s bad. Destroying the ability to see itemlevel is a massive change, so they’re not doing that. Which means their only way to address that is to break communication.

There are many “levels” of game communications from the AddOn/macro side.
(speaking “off hand” so the exact name may be slightly off)

There is world/global (basically public)
There is yell and say
There is Guild level
There is Raid level
There is Party level
There is Private Messaging

It sounds like they’ll likely be blocking addons from using or even parsing the “public”/global channels.


I was thinking the same thing. Considering the very simple nature of the addon I am curious to see what parts exactly will be made not functional. I suspect the most useful part of the addon - scanning the LFG channel and posting groups to LFG channel will remain.

It is actually a smart move on Blizzards part to post something about this now to get the mentally deranged people to shut up about it for a while.

I’m not too sure, they broke the old school “oQueue” addon, which is why we HAVE the group finder we have on retail. They broke it pretty quickly, without breaking anything else, and then eventually just stole it.

I’d expect /invite to be moved into their “protected” API, and addons will no longer be allowed to invoke the command. They’ll also likely no longer be able to talk to anything outside of guild or group(party/raid). So the addon won’t be sending messages to World, LFG, or Trade.

They might allow the addon to parse chat and alert you to messages that meet a specified criteria, but it won’t be able to send.

Which isn’t to say an addon author couldn’t circumvent that to a limited degree until people brought the circumvention to Blizzard’s attention, at which point no addons would be allowed to use Guild and possibly even party level communications either. But that work around would generally take a fair bit of effort to work more than sporadically.