Calling it Body 1 & Body 2 feels objectifying

Then you never needed to read any further.

Yeah, I can bet on that when I was this very same “silent and happy” individual who turned out to not be so happy with it in the end.

It took several months but it certainly reached a point eventually.


You expect 200 different body shapes to be added all with different names? You want inclusion and gender-neutral forms as to not assume gender, but there’s only so much society can realistically do. If your expectations are beyond realistic, does that then mean it’s societies fault?

Ask for equality, get equality, go on with your day.

No one is, that is correct. ‘Special’ is something we tell ourselves we are to feel better, doesn’t mean it’s true. It’s a white lie.

oh god not this crap again. “Body 1 and Body 2” feels objectifying then we have others saying “Male; Female don’t cover what i identify as”. Then they’ll add Body 1, Body 2, Male, Female options all together and then everyone will complain that having so many options is pointless and still dont cover me identifying as XYZ.

Can’t make everyone happy. and don’t forget. ITS A VIDEEEEOOOO GAME. Stop bringing politics/ideals etc into a place where we come to escape it.


For the love of all that is green and good, it’s just a goddamm coding label for more than one body style.



theres that 1 dev on twitter taking credit for “progressive” changes that dont do anything, one of them merely “takes away” from the character creation screen. If blizzard REALLY wanted to make a change for people of differing identities and differing body styles they would get more than 1 dev to go and create a brand new character creation screen with a system like eve online (best example that i have seen in my own gaming experience) which gives actual control to the user to form the body they would want to play. Set the height, the skin tones, the hair, muscle build, hand and feet size, if a person can be born with it, enable it.

That would be a good step towards letting a person choose who they wanted to be. Not just “sorry you arent a male anymore, body 1!”


I don’t, others do.

I don’t, others do.

This is what I’m trying to say, it drives me crazy when I see others like myself practically demanding for more inclusion.

I could manage just fine with the Male/Female options, did this mean others could? Apparently not because it wasn’t tolerable enough and it bothered them so they asked constantly for Blizzard to change this.

Finally Blizzard does something with it and they’re all happy. But then I come in with a thread like this and then those same exact people come into here and tell me “Oh my gawwwd, you make your character and never see it again, gawwwd, why you makin’ such a big deal out of iiiit?”

So why couldn’t they say this to themselves when it was Male/Female?

That’s precisely what I said, this is ridiculous because someone is always going to be upset about something. You watch, everyone just changes their mind like the weather.


I hate this argument. Not just in this context mind you, everytime it’s used in any context to justify change of any sort.

“But it’s not important”.

Ok, if it’s not important, why was it changed then ?

Obviously it is important enough that Blizzard decided to change it, so it can be important to some people who disagree with the change.





After I’m done with the creation screen I usually refer to the characters by their name so this is just trying to make something out of nothing.


Yuh this pretty much summarises up my thought’s.

Like Rikira’s story is that she was trained in the ways of the Mistweaver from a young age by her Mother who had been taught in the ways of the Monk by a wondering Brewmaster who saved her as a Child from Sethrak slavers.

When I get my Dracthyr her story will be probably something along the lines of this

Spoilers Vemithra will be originally a member of The Healing Wings under Scalecommander Viridia originally intending too stay in the Dragon Isles with her weyrn, but under request of Scalecommander Viridia she would join The Dark Talons and Scalecommander Cindrethresh in going to Orgrimmar and joining the Horde. From there it's kinda in development like thinking maybe originally she had a different name but changed her name too Vemithra after meeting the Green Dragonflight and connecting with the flight due to her natural attunement to the Green Aspect that she's had since she was first created by Neltharion

False. No one really asked for this. Blizzard implemented it for Dracthyr. Stop twisting things for your bad agenda.

Also wrong and stop playing the victim card. You knew exactly what would happen when you posted this.


Good god how many times does this need to be said? :roll_eyes:


If that’s the reason, really.

What was WotLK Classic changed also ? Oups.

So that’s a big fat “no, that’s not it”.


What is it the LGBTQ+ community complains about a lot again with society? Labels was it? Can’t these ‘labels’ bother me?


I disagree with it being “objectifying”. Feels more like lazy pandering. Especially, when the “he” and “she” pronouns are still associated with said “body type”, in the tool tips. For example, the tooltips still refer to Body type 1 as “he”, and Body type 2 is referred to as “she”, still. So, I don’t understand the change, honestly…

As I said the above, this got posted. Now, it’s making sense. This is the first time I’ve seen this, but it logically makes sense, now. Though, I’m curious how the pronoun usage is going to work, in the tooltip, for the extra 2 Body types, but it’s whatever LOL


Because its the same updated coded engine. :roll_eyes:


Doesn’t occur to most people to ask because to most people it’s just another trivial thing. At the end of the day it’s just a label though and doesn’t (or shouldn’t) influence how you or people that matter around you view you.

As for the rest of it, fair enough.

Dude, a string to denote Gender is not hard coded into the engine. They literally have the old character creation screen and none of the new customization.

It’s not an engine thing.


There are no pronouns in tooltips.

I’m sorry, let me clarify, in Wrath Classic, there is. Wrath Classic has the “Body Type” specified options but uses “he” and “she” pronouns, in the tooltips.

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I have never seen a tooltip anywhere that has pronouns.