Calling all wws to ask blizz for keefers back!

titles says it all.


To be honest with the removal of serenity and keefers I think I am just going to bench this monk until the class feels fun to play again


It’s strange missing something from Shadowlands. Me too (ish). I’m willing to see how it shakes out. Melee were made to melee again, and Monk has good utility. I think they will still occupy a decent spot alongside the other melee options.

It took me a while to come to terms with losing the teleport on Skyreach but I’m here. I’m happy that the ridiculous crit window is gone though. Playing the class outside of window felt like you were half-tank most of the time.

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serenity is a hero talent


We’re talking just the dash right?


Why are we sad? I like the new rotation, it’s busy but not overly complicated

Because the movement changes kills ww in pvp, it is too clunky to try to be in melee range


Ah a pvp issue. Yeah fair enough

SEF gives a mini Serenity with the talent next to it, so it’s not too bad.

I do miss Expel Harm button and skyreach tho


Does skyreach will be the pvp talent in the future?

No, skyreach won’t be in the game anymore. Instead they gave us the clunky double jump and clash. To be fair clash is pretty cool even if it does not have a monk feel to it


I will need some time to adapt to SEF, to be honest it just feels like a nerfed version of serenity, the damage may be there but there is not comparison in the fluidity of the two skills


yes just the dash

Must get it back otherwise unplayable!


this thread is bait. blizzard please do not read this post. i do not miss going to my capstone area to take a choice node specifically not to be teleported 10 yards to my death in keys and raid prog. please. serenity is bad game design as well. you overcap chi and energy during it. please. please do not bring those gameplay loops back. i’m literally begging. make it a pvp talent if PVPers want it back, but otherwise, no. please no.


i will be the dislike button for sodapopes take


I am a pve-er and I want it. Please please blizz give us the option, make it somewhere in the tree you don’t care about, make it without the crit boost, and let me dash. Idc if it even has a 10 sec cooldown, the tiger palm dash felt so good I am no longer maining WW after like 4+ years.


once again revisiting my post for awareness, monk feels so much worse with the roll dash instead of the tiger palm dash.


I tried on my monk, and I just can’t.

I tried to do solo shuffle. I can’t do any damage compared to other classes it feels like especially the fotm ones (ele shaman / dk).

Monks were fun, but now they feel lackbuster as. imo.

I’m parking my monk for now and playing other characters. It’s just not fun trying so hard, to achieve so little compared to other classes.


This is 100% speculation.