Call of the Wild breaks Mend Pet hunter ability 10.2 did not resolve

Just to check in, is there any new word on this? Stills seemed unresolved as of a couple days ago, which was the last time I tested it.

Edit: To clarify, the proper resolution should be to correct the issue and make mend/revive pet properly work as one button again, the way that it previously did. Anything less is a bandaid or workaround, turning one button into two reduces QOL and isn’t a permanent solution.


Still waiting.

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Im also still waiting. But i guess the macro works aight

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@Kaivax the last time you replied was on November, this has been a really ongoing issue, it’s annoying in M+, a few seconds matter in a battle where you need your pet to be alive.

Please give us an update


This is also affecting PLAY DEAD. I just found out in the raid I accidently hit play dead before call of the wild and my pets were forver playing dead on the floor. Not a good look.


I haven’t had anything crazy happen with Play Dead. I have it macroed into Feign Death to completely clear combat. You have to hit the button again to get your pets up from the ground

10.2.5 This is still broken.


Just adding my reply to the mix - still broken as of feb 18th. Will we ever get that fix they promised us or did they forget or hoped we would.

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4 months…

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please fix it. It’s been FIVE MONTHS. My hunter doesn’t even have Call of the Wild. AND Revive Pet is dammit broken, too. Found out at the beginning of a fight, thanks Blizz. Still trying to play my hunter crippled without viable pets.

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Any update on this? It looks at this point that this was intentional and not a bug.

How you guys aren’t embarrassed beyond belief that this is still broken is mind boggling to me.

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This bugs continued existence is legitimately embarrassing and should not be forgotten about.

Literally into a new expansion’s patch cycle, coming up on an entire year later.

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still not fixed…