Call of the Wild breaks Mend Pet hunter ability 10.2 did not resolve

What about the issue of not being able to revive you pet though? It stays on revive pet but even when my pet dies in dungeons sometimes “revive pet” does nothing…we need an entirely new person to work on the coding for Hunter’s relating to Pets in general. Pet’s still get stuck on random stuff, take forever to follow you in dungeons if there is no stairs or direct access to where you need to go and needing to dismiss and resummon them in the middle of a dungeon because of bugs and issues that have been in the game for 10+ years is just pure laziness.

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Its been broken all of Dragonflight, Ive been reporting it for ages, its just because 10.2 made call of the wild a used talent in guides now and loads of people are using it, so its noticed by way more people.


Thank you for this. It only just started happening on my hunter this morning, off to the forums we go … Saved the day! Much appreciated.

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So far I’ve been unable to use the mend pet macro, revive, lust, or use spirit mend in dungeons. “You have an active summon already.”


Play Dead also causes this problem. Since pets hold aggro after you Feign Death, Play Dead was a nice solution to the problem without waiting for your pet to die.

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Just tested this, I am now using a macro for heal pet (which is working great) and I have the revive pet on a separate bar, that is working, just killed my poor pets in the name of research!

Thanks Lanasekil, nice macro!


I’ve had instances where the revive part of this just does not work… which makes it all pointless. My pet died, but I get the prompt that I can’t call the pet as I need to revive it first. So I need to go to the spellbook and find the revive button


I was wondering why my bar was screwed up. my pet died and I went to go hit my button and it wouldn’t do it! In the middle of a raid as well. lol. I had to search and take extra steps to find the darn thing in the book in a panic. I used to be able to revive my pet with one button click and it wouldn’t do it because it still said mend pet so now I have to have two separate ones which is a hassle because now I can’t easily push one button to either mend or revive Pet. Are you going to switch it back to where it was before to where it automatically switches between the two if the pet is alive or dead? or are you just gonna keep it to separate buttons?

Is there an easy macro to add both??

Thank you :blush:


Yep that’s exactly what I had to do. Grr

This is still broken.


I thought my computer / addons were odd!
Thanks for confirming that this is not working as expected.

Looking forward for a solution


sorry … my understanding is your fix is to make this two seperate buttons, yet as far as I can tell, we can do it on one, how it’s always been in the past, by using a macro? Can’t you just use a similar method to fix it?

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long time hunter player/mythic raider here. please fix this asap blizzard!


If you haven’t found a macro already, this one will change the button to revive if the pet is dead, and change the icon to reflect the active spell:

/cast [@pet,dead] Revive Pet; Mend Pet

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This does not work btw.

Your “solution” is exactly the opposite of what your player base wants. Maybe easier., cheaper and less work required to make it separate buttons, but almost no player wants this. We all want it back to how it worked before.

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Thank you for the acknowledgment. Looking forward to seeing the bug squashed :slight_smile:

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Im still experiencing this bug. Can we get a fix please!

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I don’t have the Call of the Wild talent and I’ve lost mend pet. Dismissing and summoning doesn’t fix the issue. I’ve also summoned a different pet to know avail.