Calia will ruin the Forsaken

We do know because Golden confirmed it on her twitter:

Calia was going to be Random NPC Light Undead with a highly developed model


edit: so would you rather Calia be the new Forsaken Leader or Random NPC Develops Over One Expansion Dating Undead Proudmoore

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It’s not even so much about the fact that she is Calia. It’s a strange choice sure, it could been done. But the way they’ve chosen is… astonishing.
There were other Forsaken people and to be fair there was one undead that had development many people liked and then he was killed (not saying he should have been a leader), but it’s a example of a story better done.

Because Calia actually has redeeming qualities beyond being attractive.

No one’s defending Calia actually committing genocide or openly despising her people because she hasn’t done any of that while Sylvanas very much has.

If they where healing without her then they wouldn’t have sought her out explicitly because she could help them.

You seem to think that being a void elf requires me to be edgy. I’m a high elf who happened to be present for an unfortunate incident, nothing more.

If anything I have more of a right to talk down to forsaken players who are addicted to edge because I’m proof you can suffer something terrible without it defining you for the rest of forever.

They formed a counsel, then said counsel was executed by Sylvanas for the crime of not needing her.

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I can’t see any.

Let’s hope we are speared such experiences. But if not we will see about that. There are always those people.

That’s the thing, she really can’t.

Uh more edge.

Most of them are in fact still alive.

I don’t see that in the tweet. Maybe I just don’t know the layout.

  1. Golden was asked to write a Light Undead Character in the role we see Calia
  2. Golden and Taliesen proposed Calia rather than it be Random New Character
  3. Blizzard realized this is a better idea, gave the green light
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Which is truly a shame, but it says more about you than it does about her.

She has already been shown to help them. You don’t care because you don’t actually want the Forsaken to heal.

  1. They’re undead. They weren’t even alive before Sylvanas had them killed.

  2. The only ones Sylvanas spared were the ones who turned around and went right back to groveling at her feet. Any member of the counsel that still exists lost the right to lead the Forsaken then and there.

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I still don’t see either of that in the tweet. Again, I’m not familiar with Twitter. Maybe you’re referencing something else. It just says she ‘pushed’ for the Calia plot. Nothing about it being a replacement for some random character.


Everything about her is negative so far. Especially her resurrection. Go on.

Nope. And they don’t need her.

You said all of them are dead.

Because it’s not there.


So you think half the book wouldn’t exist?

I’m done arguing in circles about this.

I’ve said my piece and the only reply you can muster is “nuh-uh”. This discussion is clearly not worth either of our times.

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True. You now have your golden- white barbie. Have fun with her.

Why would you think I would think that?
I’m just trying to figure out the source of your claims. As far as I know the plot would have been different had Calia not been involved.

The book is a solid third Calia dude.

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You claimed half before.
That still doesn’t mean the plot wouldn’t have been different without her.

Given the amount of resources Calia has been given and she was put into this Undead role due to the book, press x to doubt

Cool, just wanted to make sure this was speculation.

Wait, this is the first I’ve heard of Taliesin being involved. What’s the source for that?

It’s in the tweet lol he’s the one that told Golden about Calia being a Lore Mystery, also in the video from that week of his

But did he say he talked to Blizzard about it?