Agreed. Someone probably just messed it up.
Calia is the queen of Lordaeron, which is different from the Forsaken empire.
You know how Horde players insist the Forsaken are the people of Lordaeron, except Arthas that guy was totes Alliance? It’s like that.
I dunno either. Then again I like Anduin, Baines cool, Nathanos was funny, liked Wrathion since he was introduced. I’m just a weird outlier I think lol
I like Anduin and Bain. Loved Cairn and Bain when I main’d Tauren way back. Wasn’t always a fan of Nathanos, and Wrathion I disliked mostly because everyone kept trying to call him a ‘Hero’ as he’s legitimately endangering the universe.
He was literally called “King Arthas” in the Scourge campaign of TFT. The first scene of the campaign mentions it.
Damn, even the horde didn’t escape this black hole of a quest unscathed.
The Menethils are done. Revolution. Replaced.
The current head of the House of Bourbon doesn’t run around being called “king of france”.
(At least, not by anyone who’s taken seriously.)
I think that’s what I said.
Maybe it’s like the UK. Calia gets to be the nation’s figurehead queen while the council does all the actual legislation
She abdicated the throne when she married a guard or he was a peasant. Point is that she gave it up and went off for a while. The next heir was Arthas and we know how that turned out.
Yeah bratty hatchling Wrathion was more “its adorable when hes angy” like when he flew off at the end of MoP.
Its one of those characters where its like “I support this characters rights but also their wrongs” lol
And this is news how? She was the heir to the Menethil throne since Arthas is long gone.
It’s official… she is the Foresakens Queen Momma… ya’all better get used to it.
It’s why I am glad Ebyssian became Aspect.
You said "were a part of the Horde "
It’s all good,guessing was a typo.
Current Wrathion is still good. Bro realized he was being cringe by the time he got back in BfA
Current Wrathion ended in a good spot by the end of the Black Dragon Questline. I’ll give the little Geko that. Dragonflight ended things for the three brothers in a good spot.
She needs a better belt mog.
I almost feel bad for him, he’s the only dragon who’s ever got a mid-pubescent model. His dragon form looks like it’s got acne and one of those wire helmets for his teeth.
remember back in BFA (?) when they had the “placeholder” language about the forsaken being good guys running around protecting the light that “slipped” through onto the PTR?
yeah, they been trying to force “Queen Calia” down the forsaken throats since they created her new model.