Calia as Sylvanas 2.0

I’ve doubted this since the idea was floated. Because completely bulldozing a proven to be successful racial fantasy for literally no reason didn’t make sense to me.

Granted they sure did take a bat to the Nelves but knowing what we do know, well, ya think Blizz writers being drunk misogynistic sex criminals might have something to do with vitriol toward the only matriarchal race that skews toward a more female fantasy?

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You have more faith in them than I do. But then I quit the game completely and decided that I couldn’t live with what they were doing with Horde when I came back.

Do I dare hope again?

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Best moment of Shadowlands by far. I called it.


I actually got myself liqoured up before the questline. Both as a function of it being pretty late at night for me when it became playable but also because I was so ready to be hurt. Especially when I saw Calia’s face as the indication for new content.

For the first act I was damn near looking through my fingers. Ready to shield my eyes from the inevitable insulting dissapointment.

Oh God they brought back Faranel and Belmont just so we could kill them didnt they?

Oh God we’re going to Maldraxxus to learn how the Forsaken aren’t ish and they’re going to teach them how to undead properly!

And it just, never went there. It never took a sudden turn. It just got better and better and better to the point of me being in manic ecstasy by the time it was finished.

When I said it seems like they listened I mean there were plot points I’d begged for on these forums. I speak no hyperbole when I say I couldn’t have done the Forsaken more justice.

And it waa so, so, so sneeringly unapologetic. Yeah the two abject villains are here now and ya wanna know what? They don’t think much of her. And Calia, well she’s probably upset by this and- nope, 200% is appreciative of her stance as an outsider and does not wish to overstep her bounds.

I’m still skeptical because no a good questline does not make up for two terrible expansions.

But I’m convinced someone at Blizz genuinely understands the Forsaken. And for the first time in nearly 4 years I’m actually not worried about what will happen to them…


Pro Horde: You’ve been working beneath Velanara since Legion.
Anti Horde: You killed a dark ranger and wear her gear as a giant warning sign to the forsaken/horde/your bff jill

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Ya’ll dump on Danuser but he’s a Forsaken main. This comes from him, 100%.


Hey, if it doesn’t happen, then great. But I am spooked by some of the lines in her scene with the Margrave. How she fears that she won’t fit in with the Forsaken and is reassured that she totally will. How this gives her resolve and makes her say she has “found her purpose.” How the very next thing that happens is for her to be elevated to a position on the council.

How she is known to be a favorite character of one of the writers on the staff.

I’d say the odds are 50/50 at worst that they are still planning to make Calia Menethil the leader or co-leader of the Forsaken. They have just possibly realized that they might need to slow-walk it a bit.

“Literally no reason”? The devs have been sanitizing the Horde systematically for two or three expansions now, getting rid of anything that might be considered problematic. The position of warchief, Sylvanas, Gallywix … and comments on this very board have shown that the Forsaken fall into that category for a lot of people too.


Thanks for the first suggestion Treng. :smile:

Okay. But you have an opinion on your own hypothetical future situation.

Not the content as it is in game.

Do you see why I find this a bit silly?

Ya’ll do remember there was a time when you liked this game, yeah? Presumably there had to be. Otherwise you wouldn’t be this opinionated about it.

Blizzard showing that they’ve made amends and are taking a step in the right direction being regarded with hostility is genuinely the most baffling thing I’ve seen in awhile.

Could they screw it up? Of course. But they didn’t screw it up here. They nailed it. Wny is this upsetting?

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I feel this lacks substantial context. Calia doesn’t consider herself a “real undead” because she was raised by the Light. Prior to this she goes to the Forsaken eager to show how she can impress them, thinking she had to be “special” to earn thier approval. All the Margrave did was tell her that she is equal to the other Forsaken. And the other Forsaken treat her with the same respect as any undead. They are distrustful of her because she’s a Menethil. I think the writers had realized they started to write a “white savior trope” in BFA, as many players pointed out, and they pivoted from that. Calia’s purpose went from saving the Forsaken, to being on equal terms, and I think they succeeded by making her less superior and more relateable. She’s not here to save anyone, just exist as a Forsaken.

They made Calia an outcast and quickly made the Forsaken look like “found family” trope. It’s everything. She’s Forsaken.

This questchain was written with care by someone who understands how Forsaken are (queer) coded…


I am saying yes this bakery has had problems but this chocolate cake is really good and I’m glad I ate it.

People say no it’s actually bull poop disguised to look like a chocolate cake. I take another bite and go “No. Definitely a chocolate cake. Good one too.”.

And they go

“Yeah, well, the next one will be bull poop”

And ya know what? Maybe it will. But imma enjoy this chocolate cake regardless.


Thing that’s aggravating for me is, blizz wrote a great forsaken quest line, that hit all the right points on what it means to be forsaken and people are complaining about 1) Future stuff that hasn’t happened or 2) Stuff in the quest line that never actually happened.

And y’all wonder why blizz is hesitant to listen to us when it comes to the story. :wolf:


I’m just confused by the future stuff point. As literally all they have to do is not diverge from the themes laid down here.

We’ve Faranel as the cackling lunatic apothecary who only wants to make gigantic flesh golems.

We’ve Belmont as the ruthless Forsaken tactican who’s only concern for the living is how to best kill them.

We’ve Velnora as the wearily above it all unelf who’s just trying to ensure all her people have a place in this world.

We’ve Voss as the prodigal daugher returned to the Forsaken who understands they’re her only home and wants to ensure new undead don’t make her mistakes.

And we’ve Calia as a complete outsider in her own kingdom who understands she’s not Forsaken but nevertheless wants to help them because as the last Menethil standing only she can redeem her father’s name in the hearts of her people.

Absolutely fantastic start. Everyone has their own unique angle of the Forsaken to champion. From cackling mad scientist to ruthless warriors to misunderstood outcasts.

The bases are covered. All they have to do now is not screw it up moving forward.


That’s all day everyday in this forum…

I love when the forum collectively takes speculation as fact and creates a million threads harping over why Blizzard sucks for doing what was speculated…

Like 10.0 Light vs Void expansion. :see_no_evil:


Uh… don’t tease me with what could have been, there.

Sylvanas going all Girl-power with Sally would be too much dommy-mommy for this poor oedipal-child to handle.


I knew that would tickle your pickle. :rofl:

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Sylvanas converting Sally would’ve been awesome though. I know I argue about certain aspects of the forsaken, but they are my fav horde race.

Sylvie as the forsaken leader with Sally, Voss and Admiral Tattersail as her advisors….drool :wolf:

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Yeah. It would have been the best way to introduce Undead Paladins…

Rise, my champion!

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If playing the Forsaken quest now on my Alliance toon. It makes absolutely no sense for my Rendorei have the “of Lordaeron” title, whatever lets do this.

Best, most optimistic take. Thanks Benedikt.

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