Calia and the Forsaken

Calia herself is guilty of that. They’ve had both leave Lordaeron behind for a while.

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You mean Queen Talanji who is the chosen of Bwonsamdi?

At least they aren’t dwarves who even blizzard forgot to add the leader of the wild hammer and had to have Red Shirt Guy correct them. :rofl:

She’s an example of nepotism. She got a role because of who her family was, not from earning it even one bit.


Yeah, Blizz kinda sucks at remembering anything that isn’t orc, human, or elf. That’s nothing new.


She’s a princess.


Yes, and royalty are the biggest example of nepotism. She’s also no longer a Princess even. That kingdom is long dead.


We’re playing a fantasy game though. :sob:

And in that fantasy game, she didn’t come back around even after Arthas was gone, until BFA. She hasn’t earned her position. She was just forced on the Horde because we need to be friendly now because of the Alliance complaints.


If you want to take steps to make Calia more Forsaken then I advise that you kill her and raise her proper.

If they want to keep her pristine and regal look I would raise her up as a mix between a spirit and a lich.


Kael’thas didn’t earn his position. Anduin didn’t earn his position. Very few leaders “earned” their position.

Your former war chief was BFFs and maybe…FWB with Jaina. We even saw her grip his big biceps. :rofl:

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Right and they are examples of nepotism, whether you like those characters or not. Getting a position in power because of who you are related to is that.

At least with Jaina she has a personality. She has flaws, an actual fleshed out story.

That’s an argument that she might make, but her kingdom is gone, the people are gone, the lands are completely different. If she wanted to be a part of the Forsaken she would have had to be born with them, which I wouldn’t recommend.

You’re probably right about this, but I hope it doesn’t happen any time soon.

Thinking on it further, why did it take her so long to show up? I am genuinely curious about this.


It’s a fantasy game though. So we should expect it.

Except gnomes have elections. They’re weird.

We can expect royalty, but in context of this story and the Forsaken, no I will not expect some Alliance coded character to come in and just take over a role not related to royalty nor nepotism and just accept her. Especially since we don’t know her. And she’s a blank slate.


The whole “rightful ruler returns to claim the throne” isn’t a bad fantasy in its own, but one that (IMO) is way more appropriate for alliance-themed stories, which is the faction more focused on traditional tropes like that. It’s probably going to happen whenever Anduin returns, because fairytale medieval kingdoms are exactly what his race and character are meant to appeal to.

The forsaken aren’t that fantasy, though. But part of their fantasy IS supposed to be rejection by living humans and needing new allies in the horde, though. If anything, the race’s development needs to focus on them building stronger ties with horde races, not alliance ones.


The forsaken are humans of Lordaeron, well the majority of them. There are some green gnomes in their ranks.

Humans of Lordaeron followed a Menethil for 1000s of years. Now you have the last Menethil. It works.

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As a long time Forsaken main, I have no issues at all with Calia being part of our new leadership.

She literally DIED trying to protect the Forsaken and was a huge help with removing the blight from the ruins of Lordaeron.

And with her being part of a council, it means that veteran Forsaken have a say in how the race moves forward as opposed to only her.


Not really surprising, Lordaeron used to be the center of the alliance.

How can you be a princess if you have no kingdom, people, land or money? Also, the throne went to Arthas, she was never officially given control, so her former title is completely worthless. She fled and by the time she came back her land was taken over by another group of people the city renamed. Everyone seems to have moved on but her.

“Hey guys, remember I used to be somebody? remember? I know I ignored you for 15 years, but how about I do no work and then become your leader for no reason?” Calia Menethil

Yeah, we just don’t care, she’s a terrible character.


And how did that work out for them again? No more Menethils. And no more Alliance trying to convince the Horde to accept their possible Trojan horse.