Calia and Tess are Mirrors

I mean no ? That’s a headcanon. The racial leaders are always the political leaders. I can’t think of any counterexample to this.


Unrelated to whether or not Tess is the right fit, the worgen leader, or whatever, I have one huge issue with the premise of this entire thread.

I went and looked at Tess. I went and looked at Calia.

Neither showed my reflection at all!!!

They are not mirrors, stop spreading this malicious lie.


I think he means blizz will likely use Tess to represent the human, ie the gilnean side of things, while Genn will still be the worgen representative going forward.

And that’s fine if that’s the route they go.

Does that mean we’re both dead since we can’t see our own reflections in them? :dracthyr_crylaugh:


While i agree, i dont think Blizz is truly thinking about it that much. Tess was the heir if the Kingdom so she got the titke. Fir WoW and the devs its the story about Gilneas ans Gilneans- which the wirgen happen to be a part of.

It is obvious Genn is staying around for now though- he outright said now he would be able to aid the alliance itself more.

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No, not dead at all.

We are undead obviously.

We are vampires, Karebear.


I accept being a Vampbear tank :wolf:


Yeah, as long as it’s decent content going forward, things should work themselves out, like they usually do. Thinking about the reclamation quest, I was mostly mad because of how short it was and how disjointed it felt.

But we have gilneas back, Tess is likely up for more development and Genn is sticking around for the foreseeable future, so it’s a win all around.


Calia is undead. Tess isn’t a Worgen. The situations are not the same.

Also I feel like if this was a situation where the Horde had it “worse”, for example, the Forsaken being lead by a normal human who is not undead and Tess is a Worgen, we wouldn’t be hearing the end of it from this forum.

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Tess Greymane is Genn’s daughter and heir to the throne. She leads Gilneas, not the Worgen. The Worgen are Gilneans and part of the Kingdom. Tess is Gilnean.

Storywise it does make sense she became Queen of the nation her dad ruled. Trying to compare it to Calia or anything else is weird, or comparing it to an alive leader in Undercity- that makes a lot less sense than what we see currently.

This has been coming since Cataclysm, people being so alarmed by it suddenly need to look back at the story.


The thing that people keep loosing track of is Tess being queen of Gilneas isn’t the issue. We knew that was inevitable when Liam died.

The main complaint is the lack of worgen representation outside of Genn. That’s literally all we’re asking for, is more worgen representation, doesn’t matter who it is.

We got Ivar and Darius who need to be built up and get more screen time, along with worgen characters they can create or build up in the current roster.


Thats not what I have mostly seen. Most of it seems to be frustration over Tess being Queen.

More Worgen would be cool- its pretty much all been Genn since cata other than cameos and small quests. That is also most races though, only one or two major players.

We should still see Genn regardless though.


Oh, more Genn is alway a plus in my book. He’s a great character.

And I know I overreacted with the whole Tess thing initially, but she has potentional to be a great character. The main issue with her is just needs more screen time really, and showing she’s willing to look out for her people and have their best interests at heart.

That’s my calmer outlook anyway. :wolf:


The playable race is Worgen, not Gilnean. People want to play Worgen when they pick Worgen, not specifically Gilnean humans.

If every single last Gilnean human was transformed into Worgen, I don’t think the majority of the Worgen playerbase would mind, because it’s not what people want out of the race.

I’m not saying it doesn’t make sense for her to lead. I’m fine with Tess being the Queen. But she is a human leading the playable race that is no longer human. The direct analog to this would be if Calia had never died and had come back to be on the ruling body of Forsaken.

In fact, I imagine the whole “light undead” thing was an attempt to have her be undead and not caused by the Scourge so she could lead the Forsaken but it wouldn’t feel weird for her to be a human still, an attempt for Blizzard to have their cake and eat it too. I’m not saying that conciliation is good, but it was a consideration that Worgen were not given.


The Worgen are cursed Gilneans. That is their story, the loss of their homeland and a part of the population being afflicted with the curse.

The Worgen story hasnt been about the Worgen curse specificslly for a while. Theyre always Gilneans first, getting revenge, retaking the city. Fighting side by side regardless.

Even Genn’s story hasnt even involved the Worgen curse much. Its his lust for revenge and hatred for the Forsaken for what they did to his people and city- Gilneas and the Gilneans.

The story of the Worgen is fighting for their Kingdom, alongside their uncursed kin. Theyre the same people, including Tess and Greymane despite one being afflicted and the other not being so.

The Worgen are still around, heck, Genn is still around. We know that he is going to be more present in Alliance affairs. And the main difference, once again being the Forsaken being entirely undead(Except some leper gnomes).

Worgen are just part of Gilneas, bot everyone is- and honestly i doubt people would want everyone to become Worgen.

I don’t understand wanting to hamfist the curse onto Tess just for the sake of it.

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That’s precisely the problem, yes. Why do you think the vast majority of Worgen fans picked that one specific race on the character creation screen ? What reason could they possibly have to pick a Worgen and not a Human ? Where does the appeal for Worgen lies for most people ? Human lore and the kingdom of Gilneas ? Or… werewolves ?

People were sold a werewolf fantasy. For the most part, they rolled a Worgen because they wanted to play as a werewolf—and the portion of the playerbase that actually cares about the story was also drawn to the perspective of dealing with the intricacies and implications of the Curse. That’s what players were sold, and so that’s what they are entitled to. From that point on, you have two options as a dev/writer : either you deliver on that initial promise, or you don’t. If you don’t, you’ll face backlash, and that’s perfectly normal.


Counterpoint: Tess isn’t a Worgen, and Calia is undead.

That’s all that really needs to be said, instead of this roundabout, circular argument on Gilneans and Worgen, equivocating on what the intention behind the race is to avoid this simple fact.

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As for this :

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Didn’t really read your post except the last line, but Tess is not going to get bitten because her entire arc through the heritage was that the Worgen curse is bad and that Gilneans are Gilneans no matter what. They’re not going to contradict it because it would mean remaking the Worgen heritage questline so it remains consistent with her character, and they will not do that.

So this hypothetical that Tess could become a Worgen is irrelevant.

And that’s a problem. Nobody picked the werewolf inspired race just to have another human story. I would have rolled a generic stormwind human if I wanted that


The Heritage questline was notoriously bad yes but I think I can remember Tess mentioning the possibility of contracting the curse later down the line no ?

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