(Cael/Nagrand) KKL - GMT+8 (9/9 H) (1/9 M)

We are Ka Ki Lang, translated from Hokkien, a common dialect for Singaporeans/Malaysians, meaning ‘Family’.

We have an all-star ensemble from many countries (Singaporeans, Malaysians, Koreans, Australians, Hong Kong, Americans, and more!), many of us semi-hardcore raiders, hungry for progression. We don’t normally bench players and believe in giving everyone a chance to improve. In fact, a bunch of our core members started off on the lower end of the meters but are topping them now! (Attendance+punctuality>>> skills)

We are currently doing Semi-Hardcore Raiding. We are looking for reliable raiders that have experience to round out our current core of 20+ members for Mythic in the future. If you attend reliably and listen to our raid mechanic callouts, you can just as easily be part of our close and intimate core team (and become awesome friends too :D)

Did I mention we also do Mythic+ on the side occasionally? You are welcomed to join us anytime. This is how a lot of our raiders become close friends with new members.

What we want to join the guild:
-ATTENDS RAIDS AND BE ACTIVE. We all love the game, so should you <3.
-Willing to improve and also take criticism (Don’t worry, we will never roast you. Just lightly toast you at most :3)
-Most important is the attitude that willing to learn and improve and no DRAMA.

Raid Schedule (GMT+8)
-8.30PM-11.00PM Wednesday
-8.30PM-11.00PM Thursday

Currently Recruiting
1.Warrior (Open)
2.Demon Hunter (Closed)
3.Paladin (Open)
4.Death Knight (Open)
5.Monk (Open)

1.Priests (Open)
2.Shamans (Open)
3.Paladin (Open)
4.Monk (Open)
5.Druid (Open)

->Range Dps
1.Mage (Open)
2.Warlock (Closed)
3.Hunter (Open)
4.Balance Druid (Open)
5.Shadow Priest (Open)
6.Ele Shaman (Open)

->Melee Dps
1.Rogue (Open)
2.Warrior (Closed)
3.Monk (Open)
4.Death Knight (Open)
5.Paladin (Closed)
6.Enh Shaman (Closed)
7. DH Havoc (Closed)
If you are interested, contact one of the following


bumping 3/9 Heroic

You guys sound like an amazing fit for me. If you are looking for a tank still, then I’m your guy! I’ve added you :slight_smile: but just in case Bangdot#1751

added you, will talks to you.

hello! I’m looking for a group to run raids/dungeons/open world. I’m playing almost everyday from 9 pm till 3 am (server time). My character is Arcane mage 370.

bump, 5/9 looking for exceptional healer who can swap two spec, in dps and heal!

Bumping 6/9 H and 1/9 Mythic

LF Healer and RDPS

Bump 7/9 H and 1/9 M

LF Healer N RDPS

Bump 8/9 h and 1/9 m

Looking for dps/ healers

Looking for tank and healers!

9/9H 1/9M

LFM Healer,RDPS and tank!

LF DPS, Tank and Healers.

bump, LFM…