Shaman LF GMT+8 times raiding guild

Recently transferred back to Barthilas Horde-side. I’ve raided HC previously and am looking to join a focused guild to realistically push through CE with. Happy with raiding two or three nights a week, any night, however I’m aiming to keep at least one of Friday or Saturday night off from raiding.

408 ilevel. Since the tail end of Uldir I moved over to exclusively playing Elemental. I’m looking to stay Elemental at this point in time if at all possible, though for the right guild I’ll see what I can do.

I’ve done 6/9 H 1/9 M via pugs. Looking for raid times at or after 6:30pm GMT+8 / 9:30pm server time.

Btag is Cynalessa#1408

Edit: Unsure why my WoW armory profile lists no keys completed for season 2, that is definitely not the case. Raiderio has it updated.

I know you said you want to stay ele. However, if you would consider Resto our guild is looking. And to be honest who knows what the future holds, one of our shammy dps is considering going resto(no promises). We are on Barth and are 1/9m 8/9h

If keen contact me in game

Here is our ad

heres our ads, maybe u consider? same time +8 GMT

Hi! Contact me on Btag Karangi#1156 if you are keen to trial with an Alliance Frostmourne +8 GMT guild. We are 4/9M and comprises mostly SG/MY experienced raiders.