Bwonsamdi deserves more than a broken door in a hole in a tree

Blizzard c’mon now.

Bwonsamdi deserves more than:

  1. The Troll afterlife being an instance
  2. This instance entrance being a broken down troll door
  3. This broken troll door being in the bottom of a hole (“Dusky Hollow”)
  4. This hole being inside a fairy tree
  5. This dead fairy tree being over a tree bridge (not even a troll bridge!)
  6. This tree bridge being at the edge of the map past the “Drust” Tirna (Noch)

Bwonsamdi and Troll Afterlife deserve at least that the bridge be a troll bridge leading to a giant spooky Necropolis with rainforest aesthetics and jungle trees visible downward from the tree in the mist around the zones.

I mean Ardenweald should’ve included jungle, but I digress.

Please consider:

  1. Changing Dusky Hollow to a Necropolis, the Nazmir one slaps
  2. Changing the bridge to a Troll Bridge

Wait are they giving ol bwonsamdi the shaft?

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can we maybe not have spoilers right in the title?


Obviously the Loas power wanes in the afterlife.

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You think instance locations are spoilers?


Why does he deserve something different?

Fae in popular culture has a specific connotation. And that nature could include a lot of things, even mountains or deserts. We even have massive mushrooms on Draenor. And Blizzard isn’t going to have every biome.

Some folks would consider it that yes. I’d rather know next to nothing and go in as blind as possible


Because the entirety of the troll afterlife is governed by him in a zone within Ardenweald. It’s crap to have it relegated to this.

Yes, which is why I would’ve preferred a separate zone for the Loa with plains and jungles, but here we are. With the one Nature Zone. Where Bwon gets the shaft.


Night Elves were previously wholly, completely, totally, and tonally unrelated to the Shadowlands. Whisps stayed on Azeroth. We saw them in Ashenvale. They came when Malfurion blew his horn. If a night elf stood out, Elune cast them to the stars.

Night elf gods went to the Emerald Dream to be remade.

So, Blizzard decided to retcon night elf lore to give them yet another night elf zone, cutting forsaken out of any development (they just lost the two characters their entire civilization revolved around, ontop of Lordaeron City.) as well as orcs and tauren out of any ancestral afterlife. Trolls? Their ancestral afterlife is a NIGHT ELF FAERIE TREE.


Not everything is equally distributed in content by, that’s always been the case. And changing that would be weird/hard/bad.

Nah man it’s wack. That tree should be a necropolis and the bridge a troll themed bridge.

Especially if we’re being Meta, where Irish Fairies get a whole zone but Haitian Lwa get an instance in a broken door in a dead tree past a bridge at the edge of the map?


Where is Gnomewood or Worgenshire? These things aren’t and shouldn’t be even by race. It is a really inefficient and bad manner of structuring zones/the story. None of them deserve anything.

Worgen do not have a spirit since vanilla that implied a special realm for the Trolls.

Gnomes do not have a special relationship to death in-game.

Troll lore is centered around these concepts.

Don’t be trash.


Who cares? Bwonsamdi has long had his own realm. Gnomewood and Worgenshire don’t exist. Night Elf retcon consumed troll content and repurposed it for night elves.


So Trolls are special? I don’t think any race deserves special treatment.

Troll lore has centered around a lot of stuff, and not just ‘what their afterlife is’. I’d say that’s pretty low on it. And no race deserves equivalent lore or special lore in certain features. That’s not how you write a story.

That’s unnecessary.

Bwonsamdi makes deals with nonAzerothians and he has been around for an extremely long time; they could’ve given him the Elune treatment but chose not to.

And no, they already gave him his own floating island off to the side, just put a necropolis there and call it a day.

If you include a lore character that is central to the afterlife in an expansion of the afterlife, you need to do them justice.

Bwonsamdi being included but getting a broken door in a hole in a broken tree isn’t justice. It’s a crap aspect to an otherwise good story.

Not really, you’re being extremely unfair to the disrespect this is to troll lore


Again, you’re asking for special treatment. Which I don’t consider necessary.

As we’ve seen it, Bwomsamdi is one of a lot entities in the Shadowlands. I don’t think any justice is owed to him.

Even if I was, saying ‘don’t be trash’ about video game lore is unnecessary.

But I would say this of other groups. This isn’t a Troll thing. I’m not a fan of someone wanting a race to get special treatment.

If Elune is getting special treatment, who is a firmly and centrally Night Elf goddess, asking for the same treatment otherwise isn’t unreasonable.

he’s the loa of death lmao the necropolis in nazmir is tied to shadowlands

So then why aren’t you outraged at the clear Nelf bias in Ardenweald lol


I don’t think Elune deserves special treatment. But again, these things are never equal and aiming for equality isn’t going to help the story.

That doesn’t make him not one of many entities in the afterlife.

Well WoW lore doesn’t really outrage me at all anymore. I’m not outraged by what you’ve said. But my entire point was that these things aren’t equal and shouldn’t be.

Literally nobody is asking for a rewrite, just slap the Nazmir Necropolis in the fairy tree. That’s not asking for much. A hole in the ground for a Loa based on a Haitian Lwa which is an African Traditional Religion is ugly man. I’m initiated in voodoo. This is trash. Fairies get the Queen but we get a hole in the ground? Wack.

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