I wish they had done ardeanweald and night fae a bit differently. I wish that everything kind of being most the the same theme (which was basically just a purple emerald dream) that they had divided it up to represent some of the different type/groups of Wild Gods
You could’ve had the Druidic ones like Cenarius, Malorne, Ursoc, etc. These would had the more classic nature theme and couldve explored some of the elements of Night Elven afterlife such as why they become wisps and have the more traditional nature theme.
Loa would naturally be another group with more troll themes. Ziggarauts, pyramids, and temples. Could explore how some trolls ascend to becoming Loa themselves and why a loa’s power is connected to their followers and worshipers (a trait that other WIld Gods don’t seem to have).
The August celestials could be a potential group. The pandarens’ view on the afterlife isn’t really delved into that much so this would be a chance to explore it more as well as including some of the other pandarian races such as jinyu, mogu, and hozen. Would be a cool chance to introduce some new Celestials as well such as a Song Wu Kong type one for hozen and such. Maybe have Ordos make a comeback.
Delving more into the Drust would be another cool section. I know they exist already but having a set of wild gods backing them and exploring how they got their death druid powers would be cool.
There’s also Wild Gods of Draenor like Anzu, Sethe, and Rukmar other could be introduced as well.
The Winter Queen could still be at the center of it all, balancing and ruling the various factions. Something like that just seems a little more interesting than what night fae are currently IMO. What they are isn’t bad or anything, it’s just an already very used theme in wow when they had a chance to take it in a more unique direction.
(also on that note i wish that they leaned more into the winter part with snow everywhere and more “lifeless” but not “dead” plants. Snowy zones are awesome so having a snowy, but also nature themed zones would’ve been another cool possibility)
The easiest way for them to spin this is for Bwonsamdi to be a gatekeeper / mini Arbiter for Trolls. And set his bosses up as Loa that are attached to the 4 other Covenants (and which were conveniently killed off in BFA or earlier. You could say that since Zul and Azshara were in cahoots, and Azshara was also in cahoots, that maybe this was part of Sylvanas’ plans which were touched on in Shadows Rising?).
Then set a few Troll NPCs up in other zones since Bwonsamdi’s been preventing Trolls from going to the Maw. I think you could solve most of the Troll players complaints with 6-8 strategic NPCs. They don’t need to have much in them, maybe a little flavor text but…
Habutu: (Killed Defending Rastakhan). Place him in Bastion, sent there by Bwonsamdi because in life he was devoted to the throne. He would probably wind up there in due course, right?
Rezan: Have him visible in Bastion as a spectral T-Rex that is roaming and maybe comments that he has lost much of his power, but his vigil remains one of value. This would align well with his connection to the throne. (yes I’m aware someone has his spirit’s power, but this would make sense).
Zul’jin: Place him in Mal’draxxus, because he was a powerful Warlord in life.
Sha’dra: She might well be a patron of the House of Eyes. Maybe they could spin that she’s been sent back there and is recovering now or some such? I mean spiders fit into the Necrolords theme well.
Bloodlord Mandokir: Place him in Revendreth, because he made several mistakes in life.
Hireek: Corrupted by G’huun, and we all know Bats fit perfectly in at Revendreth.
Tragic. Maybe in the future if you dont want to be spoiled, you shouldnt come to the one place on the internet that such a thing is mostly likely to happen just by people having casual conversation. No sympathy.
Amen! Bwonsamdi deserves a midnight jungle and several golden temples. He should be on a throne in a temple of the dead, ruling over past troll chiefs and royalty. But he’s been shafted.
Also, maybe you should @ some Blizzard devs on Twitter about this?