Buying Soul Ash/Cinders for Cosmic Flux

Same for me but I only have 12 other characters.

What a great feeling making a 291 Legendary without touching Torghast! :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

I just grinded 13,000 Ash on my Paladin, who has no Box progress earlier this week. Trust me, I know the pain.

It was what encouraged me to write the Box of Many Things thread in CC. Lol.

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My misery didnt want company man :frowning:

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The worst part?

I forgot I had legendaries in her bank from before they added covenant legendaries that I could have broken down for Soul Ash.


I’m in a similar situation, except i didn’t forget i just can’t break it down.

I can’t use my new 291 legendary until i get my 4 piece, its worthless without the bonus. I’ve gotten 3 pairs of tier gloves so far so i’m well on my way to nothing :slight_smile:

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291? worthless? lol :poop: take!

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Lmao this is me with my Marksman Legendary. With the 4p, our Best Legendary changes to a legendary that’s 10000% useless without the 4p. Lol. So I have to keep my 235 on.

I do main SUrvival, but in some cases like last night with my guild, I don’t wanna melee if we have a lot of melee cause it gets hard to see. Lol.

Now…there is an idea.

I may have one hunter’s 2 tries to prove the masses wrong. these legendaries are not useless.

Okay…they are. Mass of lemmings 2, me 0.

Hoping I didn’t sell them.

Haha, they aren’t useless - they just have no use for single target at all. Just AoE.

The 4p makes it very useful for both.

The 262 i have is stronger, without my 4 piece bonus. BY FAR

lol nice troll

Went live in my phase on Dath’Remar about an hour ago.

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I got a few earlier and they all had the mats needed for level 7. Can’t remember the Ash, but Cinders definitely 1650.

glad to see they did that. Had plenty of flux but maybe 1000 ash and Im sorry to whoever gets offended, but boreghast sucks and Id rather not even bother with the legendary if it means having to run thru it again.
bought the ash with the flux. made a 291 legendary finally. meh.

Must be really quick, lol. I just started this new hunter since after ZM dropped and was over halfway thru Honored and didnt even know it, lol. And I havent exactly run a lot of the quests even…mostly just the ones to get gear or to get something else done (patterns quest, etc).

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I was guessing, lmao. I couldn’t remember how many Cinders exactly were needed for rank 6.

Why is it even rep locked? I could run Torghast faster than I could get the rep.

It needs to lose the rep and needs to be BoA.

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That is the angle I am looking at. I have chars who I just really pvp. I don’t even calling them much beyond covering some buys like enchants or something.

I just want a nice, simple, 225 to go you know…I want to try this lego. and not run zm reps on class number 5. And I got flux.

Since that is what I do. caught up on go to hunter, rogue, be DH was this expacs main DH. See the s. priest go when did I run them last? well…lets run them now since why not.

Lemons into lemonade…at least the ve hunter who has worked this can get that craven stragem I could never be motivated to tower ash it up to get.

Whole bunch of cc funkiness dumps on 1 button press. Yes please!

Yeah… I play alot of alts, also enjoy trying multiple builds on the classes I play and the torghast grind is always so, so tedious even after full tree unlocks etc.

I am so, so happy they have put this in the game, an absolute time saver

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I don’t know. I can run three Torghasts faster than I can get Honored rep.

Fair enough if you don’t have honored yet or just enjoy torghast… but me personally, hit honored easy a while back on my main, and this has just made life as an altoholic much easier

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