Buying Soul Ash/Cinders for Cosmic Flux

Is anyone seeing the new item yet because I’m not?


A guy in my guild linked it in-game. It’s definitely there.

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Relog. Close the launcher before doing so.

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Seems like a waste. Torghast isn’t that bad I don’t think


Turn WM on…it’s only visible there as of now at least.

Still nothing… weird.

They literally doubled ash and cinders from torghast yday…So I’ve spent all day farming it to craft 4 legendaries…

Wish they communicated it in advance or in-game, all day wasted. And it really doesn’t make sense considering they buffed ash and cinders the day before.

but oh well.

To some people it is. I HATE Torghast.

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hot fudge! why did this drop just now!? i just spent two hours farming the Ash and Cinders i needed for Unity on my DK alt. XD frack! lol


And its…rep locked. and BOP. 2 monkeys paws for the price of 1 for some pvp’ers who really don’t get their jollies playing hunt the rares daily.

we like more fun games…like hunt that pita rogue sapping on the road since they are really bored.

I got flux from wins… I could use the ash. hate torghast.

Hey blizzard…an idea. Honor levels…lets make them mean something besides horse mounts.

Lets say a nice level 50…gets pvp’ers in on this deal.

50 means they have been in WG more than twice. and we are fighting for the shadowlands after all. its just in, well, AV, WG, IOC.

I can make it lore like. Van and drek…are dreadlords part of the jailors plans. since everyone in this game is now a dreadlord. Or a robot/construct.

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This is what bothers me tbh. I understand we can send Ash and Cinders to alts via Heirmir, but that’s at a loss.

The bag only gives 5150 Ash and 1650 Cinders, which is JUST enough for a rank 5+ legendary. So if we use Heirmir to send to alts, they’ll be short, because she sends 250 at a cost of 300.

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He just disappeared for 2-3 minutes.

So I think they were fixing this? Can someone who wasn’t seeing it check?

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I saw that relogged and now its there.

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What is the rep requirement? I don’t have revered yet. :pleading_face:

Honored. :+1:

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Heck yes!!! Thanks cayna :partying_face:

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Honored, rather quick to get.


You’re welcome.

Did the same thing on my alt last week, 5 torghast clears BEFORE they buffed the drops.

well either way i’m glad that this happened, now i can just buy the double leggos for my other 48 characters, most of which dont even have A leggo. XD