Buying remasters over and over

well the people making the diablo 2 remaster have absolutely nothing to do with WoW development

they made the tony hawk and crash remasters

plus im sure classic is not too terribly difficult to develop, they have the source code for it, doesnt classic have a team seperate from retail? plus do you see classic going further than wrath? if it stops and wrath and they dont make new content for classic, then thats it, its done

They aren’t the company that released those games anymore. All that talent has already went elsewhere and all that is left is a giant soulless corporation.

They aren’t are creators anymore, they are lawyers and marketers living off a decaying and decomposing corpse.

after WC3 RF I think many are taking a wait and see approach. though D2 remains many peoples favorite diablo.

Oh god no, not another WC3 reforged

It’s a shame the creative decrepitude of Hollywood has bled over into the VG industry.

I agree there should be less remasters, the problem is that the games industry has a big lack of creativity with too much focus on monetisation right now. Diablo 3 is just a boring game, and I have no reason to believe Diablo 4 will be any better. Whereas Diablo 2 is at least a “known good” game that I know I can have some reliable fun with for a time.

Same situation with Shadowlands, if it was actually good I’d still be playing it instead of TBCC, it’s a fairly simple situation. Just imagine if retail was so good all I wanted to do was play it all day instead of doing anything else.

Unfortunately you know how it is.

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Yeah look at Elder Scrolls for example. They have found like 100 ways to sell Skyrim over the years and still haven’t even announced ES6.

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I agree with what you said and yes I imagine WoW actually being a incredibly fun game to play again all the time.

The remaster plague is everywhere I look though so it’s not just Blizzard doing it.

Yeah, just have to look at the PS5 lineup (and upcoming games), so many remasters…

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This is one of my alts.

Yes look at flipping Skyrim. When Skyrim came out gamers thought it would change gaming forever but all it did was jump start remasters and repacked dlc.

I understand why people buy remasters but if we all stopped buying them we would get more new games.

It’s so true and so sad.

I for one am glad that Age of Empires 2 was remastered. Game looks better than it ever has. Many of those “classic” games are still fun to play but due to technical issues cant be played on modern computers. Hence the need for remasters. Now if they could just remaster Star Trek Armada and Star Trek Birth of the Federation I’d be a happy camper.

And remasters arent the problem in gaming. If you took away remasters you’d still be stuck with the same non creative people making more bad games.

No it’s not

People should buy whatever game they want and let the market deal with it. No, game companies cannot and do not keep regurgatating old games. They actually have to make new games or new companies will make them and they will lose out sooner or later.

People should enjoy whatever game they want. Whether it be new games(I’m planning on getting bravely default 2 end of this month) remake(The Resident evil 2 remake was awesome, RE3 one not so much) updated editions(Story of Seasons FoMT was an awesome entry and added a few new things like gay marriage) or just outright remaster(I am so buying Legend of Mana once it releases).

bro this is just my personal opinion i already know all of this XD.

They need something to task their 200 new developers with. If millions are going to by Diablo 2, then it is obviously working for them. Their ultimate goal is to make money.

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lol ya :sweat_smile:
I’ve never ‘HAD’ to either.

Your sure proud of yourself aren’t you?

It’s ignoring someone, not winning the nobel prize.
What’s their to be proud of :rofl:

New ideas are possibly offensive. Its safer to reuse successful things from the past.

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