I expect I speaking to deaf ears and a largely troll internet base… but I have to at least try…
I’m on a ultra high pop server, so this may not be an issue on small servers. LFG is ruined completely by this new lvling meta.
- Buy gold from some website for cheap.
- Pay gold for lvl boosting party.
What used to be niche issue in the game has BECOME the game experience. LFG is 90% Pay For Boost parties paid for with real money. it is very hard to find a normal party, but so many people are leveling.
Blizzard… when are you going to step in and try to resolve this? You can so easily prevent this in so many ways. Auto grouping can at least provide an option for people who want to level without boosting.
Removed any references to GDKP or DF tool to help the trolls from focusing on the wrong topic.
Another GDKP hate topic with straw man.
Smellikat is 100% right. Its insane i spent 4 hours yesterday as a PLD tank at level 36 trying to make a SM party. The only thing in LFG (and i also use the addon to help) was boosting groups. I would post a screenshot if i knew how. Im wondering if these people who say “where is the proof” actually play the game or are shills that are the ones selling boosts and they dont want it to go away. The experience has been abysmal. My whole guild played TBC to Kara on Horde. We stopped because of personal reasons and some of us decided to switch to alliance to give wotlk a shot. The experience for us has been horrible. We play on Benediction and its s huge server but if you dont feel like whispering everyone and begging for a party its almost impossible. If you want to pay someone there is an entire LFG full of people boosting though and that is a problem. The only people who would ever stick up for this type of things in an mmo is the boosters themselves or basement dwelling poop-sockers who love to gatekeep to keep muh game no changes.
This is my first post in the forums and I too have very strong opinions on this topic and agree wholeheartedly with whatever the OP said.
lmao says a mage who probably profits off of boosting people. no wonder ur against lfd
Honestly if the basement gatekeepers cant stop crying about a party maker or LFD in some way how about they just ban boosting or here is an idea…just make it so you get no XP in a boosting scenario. Easy.
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First i dont boost so i am a poor mage (13K only gold) and second i am for LFD/RFD so better chance next try.
Still a troll post like 99% of all the anti-boosting/GDKP post
How in the world is people who enjoy playing this game saying how the boosting is clearly ruining and gatekeeping it from most people who try and play trolling? And the GDKP thing, nobody is talking about it, you can wipe it from your mouth. No body here cares about gdkp. The OP even said it and took it out. We can all agree gdkp aint an issue in wow. The boosting is killing it though. Log on RIGHT NOW on Benediction , fire up the LFG tool and LOOK at all the boosters. Its like 98% of all lfg chat for leveling. (at levels 1-60ish) At this point dont even call it LFG call it “Selling runs” or something.
That just means that your offer is lower than the boosting offers. If people prefer doing boost instead of a normal run is just their decision. So at that point you
- find a leveling guild
- Take time to build a group
- Leveling without doing 3 years old dungeons
Why always decide who can do thing or not ? If boosting is popular its because is what people want
We all know you have millions!
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Prepared to get flagged down by the botters, gold buyers, and boosters…
I’d be scared to buy gold from a source. Do you know if they’re legit? With all the hackers it seems you’re opening a window to your bank account and possibly make someone in India rich while you scramble to change all of your passwords. Am I wrong about my thoughts?
I whish lol
Specially when i still need to send 5k to my alt for the epic flying mount.
A chance, raid consumable price is not insane like during naxx era…
In my guild many people like to just paid and do nothing for leveling their alts. Me i will never paid for that and i prefer just doing quest if i cant find a group but its just my opinion.
I dont want to force anyone and i dont think i am the only true opinion. People should do the same
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Do i have to explain this? Again? Or can you come to an intelligent conclusion with common sense. Think about it for a minute. If you cant see how this effects people, then you have problems that cant be fixed or mind changed in a forum post.
yes I want to read the BS reason that you came up …
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So you cant fathom how people trying to level and open up LFG and its filled with only selling boosts…cant effect peoples gameplay? At all? I quick look at your posts kind of explains everything to me but i think you should try and not be so obtuse for once and use logic.
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I’m a fan of the idea to simply severely limit XP gains in a boost scenario. Can’t post pics, but in the LFG Bulletin Board right now shows about ~60 groups and ~55 of them are WTS BOOST.
How is this good for the overall game?
1- you dont need groups to “level”
2- Blizzard already sells guess what ? Boosts
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