Buying Boosts On A Different Realm

Scenario: I can’t find boosting guilds on my realm so I instead make a toon on another realm and read advertisements. I find a guild I want to buy boosts from, so I transfer gold to their realm and pay them using a mule to buy a boost for my main on my home realm (the main never transfers). The guild then boosts my toon, having never advertised cross-realm to me.

Is this permitted, where a buyer actively seeks services on a different realm and ultimately purchases the services to have a toon on their home realm boosted? Or does the boosted toon have to transfer to the boosting guilds realm before purchasing?

This would be the part that you need to be careful with, besides the fact that boosting is completely unsupported too. If by “mule” you mean that you’re going to transfer a character to the realm that the boosting group is on, then there’s less risk.

But if by “mule” you mean some third party, I’d advise against it. Those are almost always a scam and Blizz will not get your gold back for you when using an unsupported transaction.

Personally, I only see a lot of unsupported options when it comes to boosting and a lot of risk, but that’s me.


I believe you were fairly accurate in your assessment, Tofflemire. :slight_smile: These policies focus primarily on the organizations and to those advertising.

I don’t believe this question was specifically answered, but it does seem the answer is contained in Kaivax’s post.

Specifically - “inviting players from another realm to join them in traditional game activities in exchange for gold are allowed, as they were before”.

Indeed. Unsupported, and obviously comes with its own risk, but not prohibited.

Using any kind of third party service to move funds, that’s what you would want to avoid.


Thanks for the answers everyone. So it’s indeed allowed, although unsupported, just the same as prior to the new policy. This helps big time.

And to clarify any confusion about what I meant by “mule” - simply one of my own toons that is strapped with gold, or in its own guild with a gold capped guild bank, that then gets transferred to the target realm to pay for services.

Thanks again everyone!

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