Buying a boost

If you have to wait for your paycheck to buy a boost, Im not sure it is a great investment. Leveling, including questing while dungeon spamming is pretty quick. And leveling through Pandaria for me, on a couple chars, was pleasant and relaxing. If you really want to buy a LV 60 boost, I would more so recommend buying a WoW token for the in game gold, leveling an alt the good ole fashioned way, then using some of that gold to gear your char at LV60.

The LV 60 boosts start with basically nothing. So unless you have cash on your mains to funnel to them, to replace every shred of gear, It may be more of a pain then you want.

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Blizzard’s article on the level 60 boost states that you do get 32-slot bags. Further, most players have a main they’ve already leveled to 60 (usually with a renown of 80), and those characters can now purchase tokens from a vendor that allows them to send anima in 1k chunks to their alts, as well as a token (costing 500g) that grants their alt a renown of 40. That pretty much leaves just the ilvl 148 gear, which I agree is sub-par
and there are a good number of ways to increase that fairly quickly.

Exactly, when you boost your not getting the best results. You still will be way under powered. Which means you will just have another form if grind to get up to a point where you can do more content.

Boosting just takes out point A you still going have go through the rest of the letters.

Why people want to be level 60 so desperately is beyond me :man_shrugging:

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Don’t understand why anyone could possibly offended by a different player buying something from the shop. I leveled most classes from start to 50 and four toons to 60.

Here are my exceptions. I used SL boost to 50 on this toon. I used a BFA boost on a new rogue (my vanilla rogue made it to about 24 (after squish). I used a Legion boost on my Lock (now at level 50).

I never felt bad about using a store boost. If I already saw that content, I don’t feel a need to do it again. Boosting from 50 to 60 does seem a waste to me since leveling is fast now.

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your money your free to do what you want with it, im tempted to do the same my self

Saves time. You get to skip directly to the part where you abandon the character so you don’t have to put in additional effort before realizing the game still sucks on that class too. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Nice! And yeah, people are just mad that others can spend money to boost and they can’t. People act like it is some sin. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it. I have boosted 2 toons from free boostings we get and used them because there were a couple of classes I had 0 desire to level from 1-max being I have done it with all my other characters.

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“they are ruining the game.” How exactly?

They never mention that the boost eliminates one bad aspect of the game. All that silly, antiquated questing. Questing is really bad. Nothing has changed since 2004. The same old mobs with different names and colors. Not good.

You have your answer right there. Questing SHOULD be good, so you skipping it says “don’t fix this, I’ll PAY to work around it on your PAY TO PLAY game”.

I know this won’t be enough to make you realize how inteligent you are so here, have a cookie.


That’s odd because a couple people on the forums said they got 22 slot bags. Maybe a typo?
