Buying a boost

I get paid next week and I am buying a level 60 boost for one of my characters.

Yep, I have seen all the videos against boosting and I do not see where they are all coming from. They act like a boosted character has all the latest, greatest BiS gear right from the get go.

“they are ruining the game.” How exactly?

They never mention that the boost eliminates one bad aspect of the game. All that silly, antiquated questing. Questing is really bad. Nothing has changed since 2004. The same old mobs with different names and colors. Not good.

Collect 4 of these, run back…gather several of those…kill x,y, z. etc, over and over. No creativity.

I have also leveled the better part of 100 characters thru that system and I am not going to do it anymore.


So why are you telling us?


Something to do at 4am. That’s why.

It’s your money. If you want to waste it go right ahead. You should buy some tokens to get some gold as well then buy some carries to go along with it. When you are done then you can afk in town and claim to everyone you won at WoW!


Keep in mind that boosting gives you really crappy gear and nothing but the 60 level that would normally come with leveling.


Arent most of the crying videos about boosting referring to buying carries through raids, not buying level boosts?


Your money, your choice.

It’s no one else’s business what you choose to do with the money you obtain. Have fun!


I do not see it as wasted money. I value time over money.

Also this mage can make 151 gear for any level 60. After that do content to get it geared up, if I choose to do so.

Boosting services are not something I would do. Dungeons, Heroic Dungeons and LFR is my normal gearing path.

I am not into the latest, greatest BiS stuff.

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No offense but exactly who are you to decide what’s a waste of this person’s money.

What would be a waste of money for me is an absolute steal to my brother. Just because you feel a certain way doesn’t make it so. I get that you see it as a waste of money. Thats 100% fine. What isn’t ok is to call it that like your opinion is right and his is wrong. You should have just said “its your money. Up to you what you spend it on”


Put the money in stocks or something, 1-60 takes less than a day to do. Invest toward your future, don’t waste it saving yourself a bit of easy activity on a video game that by the current look of things isn’t long for the world.

If you can somehow unironically believe this I have to wonder if you’re being actually fair with this assessment assuming you actually did it in 2004. The only thing similar is that quests exist. Quests now are a lot faster, far more compact, and bundled into areas where you do multiple of them in one go, go back, get more for another area and do them bundled.

This is far from 2004’s quests that would send you all over the place with no real sense of connection in the questing. You had precious few areas where quests were bundled into small areas that could be done together. On top of that you never had enough quests in a zone to actually level to pass it. You usually did a few, then went to a different zone in that bracket to finish it off. Want a good picture of this? Do 1k Needles on Classic, or Feralas. Hell even Barrens and Silverpine were a mess.

40-45 involves the player dancing between Feralas, the lower part of STV, Badlands, and Tanaris usually over the course of half a day for the average player. In the live game this is done within a single zone in about an hour or two for the average player.

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Its my opinion it’s a waste of money just like it’s his opinion it’s worth the money. If you are going to make a dear diary thread about something you are going to do that some people don’t agree with then be prepared to get your hand slapped.

fair enough

You can send a full set of ilvl 200 korthia gear to alts with stygia or buy ilvl 200 boe’s on the AH.

You can’t value your time that much.


OP it comes down to whats right for you. Its your money.

For example I live 4 hours away from my sister. I ALWAYS fly to see her. My brother calls it a complete waste of money and says I should just drive. For me its worth it. I get at my tiny airport at 5am. I am at her door by 7am every time. So yes to me its worth flying. Less hassle and less of my time.

Speaking of boost my brother has always wanted a mage. He has 6 characters that he leveled. He didnt want to do the 1-60 grind again. So he boosted a mage. Now instead of leveling hes spending his time getting gear and renown. He feels it was totally worth it

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Questing is boring and uninspired on its own. But I love leveling through all the zones. The atmosphere in the world is just so great. Nvr gets old

I dont know about them, but if my contracting company values my time so much, I would be a fool not to value at least as much. :laughing:

I think you missed your blog site.

Do what you will with your money, I’m not gonna get all pissy on what people spend their money on like some do. Not having to level in SL again now that boosts go to max is fine enough with me.

I have 31 toons and i m so bummed atm from leveling that i dont wanna lvl but i dont wanna spend RL money either so i m guesing they will stay there until i see the need to have more alts for a mount:)
But as others said its your money do what u want .

60 buck or 12 double cheese burgers down the drain :sob: