Buy Token W/ Bnet Balance (Unsubscribed)


I had added a $20 Battlenet Balance Physical gift card from a store. I want to buy a WoW Token with my BattleNet balance. All official Help Pages on the site tell me to “Log in and go to AH to buy a token with Bnet Bal.”

Ok. I tried that. I logged in with my Level 1 Bank (as I am unsubscribed I can only log into my >20 avatars). Issue is I cant buy a Token in game, as the help pages say to do, because it says I am a free trial account. Which I understand, that’s why I am trying to buy 1 WoWtoken with my Bnet Balance so I can subscribe.

How do I buy a Token with Bnet Balance while not subscribed?

To Add: I am trying to avoid having to spend 310,000+ gold. That’s why I bought the Bnet Balance card.

The WoW Token that you purchase for $20 can only be put on the Auction House for gold. It cannot be redeemed for Game Time.

In order to get Game Time with a token, you’ll need to buy it from the Auction House. More information can be found here:


I understand and have read all of that. I have even gone into game and when I try to purchase a WoW token from within the game, it says I am unable to because I am unsubscribed.

I know I am unsubscribed. What I am trying to do is buy a Game Token from the in-Game Shop with my Bnet Balance. But it will not let me as I am unsubscribed, but I have bought tokens before with BNet Balance from the in game store.

I am able to log into my low level character and open the Game Shop. I can purchase ANY and Everything in the shop, EXCEPT a token. I am trying to get a token with Bnet Balance. It will let me buy anything else from the in-game shop EXCEPT, and only, a Token.

What country are you in?

It’s possible the token isn’t available for purchase due to the country location you live in.

You’re trying to jump through too many hoops to get resubscribed and cannot do what you’re looking to do.

You cannot list your shop-bought token without having an active subscription. There is no way to get around that. If you don’t have enough gold on you right now to buy the token from the AH, you cannot resubscribe that way.

The only options to you are to increase your Bnet Balance enough to buy the pre-paid block of gametime for 60 days, or set-up a subscription with your bank/credit card.

Now, in the future if this is how you wish to work your subscription, you’re going to have to do this with some preplanning while your subscription is already active.


U.S., in Oregon. Here is an image of what I see in game: imgur .com/a/bsGMzLM

I don’t have a token. I am trying to acquire a token to exchange for 30 days gametime. I already have Bnet Balance.

Why not just buy a block of gametime…

The only token that would give you the option to redeem for Game Time is the token purchased on the Auction House.

Tokens purchased from the in-game shop can only be redeemed for gold. You cannot redeem the token purchased from the shop for game time.


You can’t buy one like that being unsubscribed.

If you have enough gold on your character(s), you can buy a token without even having to log in. It would be an option on your landing page. If you don’t, there is nothing you can do with a token.


I already purchased a $20 card for my Bnet Balance. I am just trying to use that for purchasing a $20 Wow Token. I have purchased WoWtokens WITH Bnet balance before. But now, it is greyed out. I can literally buy ANYTHING else from the in game shop with my Bnet Balance but the Token is greyed out. I have read all of the help pages and it says I can, as of this moment in time, purchase a WoWToken within the game with my Bnet Balance. I have a link to a screenshot, just have to remove the space before the .com

imgur .com/a/bsGMzLM

It doesn’t work that way.

Just add some more money to your balance and buy 2 months game time.

The ONLY token you can buy in game redeems for gold.

To buy a time token, those are only purchasable on the AH for gold.


As has been mentioned, there are two kinds of Tokens, Qiio.

The ones you buy for balance or cash can only be sold on the AH for gold.

The one you are looking for cannot be purchased for balance - only for gold. Those are ones folks have bought for balance or cash and are selling on the AH.


What you want to do - you cannot. Period.

To buy a token to list on the AH requires a subscription. You want to buy one and list it so you can then turn around and buy one off the AH for game time.

To do that, you have to preplan ahead of your sub running out and keep that AH bought token in your bags for later use.

But for now, you’re going to have to either increase your balance to be able to buy a block of time for the cost plus any taxes or purchase a subscription through one of the other available plans.

What you’re seeing in the image you’re sharing is what anyone sees when they’re unsubbed. I have the same thing on my starter account, as I don’t have active game time on it.


You can, but not with out gametime already being on the account.

I suspect you were looking for the 30 day game time option, that is no longer avaliable. You can only buy game time blocks in 60 days now. Add more balance and you can cover that cost just be aware you may need more for tax.