Buy and sell gold for RMT? No ban. Soft AFK 4 battlegrounds? 1 week ban first offense

Can a blizz employee explain this?

Oh right, if they banned gold buyers/sellers 80% of the games pop would be gone.


So you’re saying you shouldn’t be banned?

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too bad they did not ban all your alt accounts


did I say that? Did I type ‘I should not be banned’?

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Okay…I sense some story is missing.

But in the future if you really have to afk that bad you die in game.

Cancel your gy rez. and now you have about 1 minute to do whatever. Bg depending this can even be legit.

I’ve seen some WSG’s I can literally see the farmers there. Cancel, cancel, okay gone now…take the rez.

Need more than that…leave the match.

It’s my only ban, 4 battlegrounds half afk playing retail/classic at same time, this was at the beginning of wrath tho. I just cap arena once a week and then go back to retail.

Just pointing out how blatant gold buying is in classic and how inconsistent bans are. Also extra funny how the first 2 replies just blatantly ignore the gold buying part and act like soft-afking a BG is such a horrible thing


Sadly this is true. Massive Pay 2 Win game.


Have you tried buying or selling gold?

No, if I wanted to do that I would just go on retail and buy tokens legally?

How do you know you wouldnt get banned if you havent tried it?

half of my friends play wrath only and they, including their guilds, buy gold. You just gonna sit there and pretend like it’s not common knowledge? There’s a reason there are thousands of bots 24/7.


Im not pretending anything. You should give it a go and see what happens :rofl:

The accounts that people buy and sell gold on do get banned.

Unfortunately that doesn’t go far enough.

Good, bg afkers are 1000x more annoying than gold buyers

People buying gold actually helps non buyers in every way. You can farm simple mats on a fresh char, you can gdkp for gold (still pays far below minimum wage but if you enjoy raiding why not get a little gold for it)

bg afkers are impacting peoples’ gameplay way more negatively


Probably good for your health to get a ban. Paying for two subs just to play both games at the same time? Take a small vacation from wow and see the other games out there. The game will still be here when you get back <3.


I got banned back in OG classic for a week for a first-time afking in Bg’s report.

Totally warranted, but did feel like 8 days was a little much given everything else they aren’t banning for… But hey :man_shrugging:

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retail pays for itself through professions

Totally warranted, but did feel like 8 days was a little much given everything else they aren’t banning for… But hey

Yeah, exactly my point, but anytime you bring it up you instead get told 'YoU DeSerVed to Be BanEnened!!1!1" and completely ignoring what I said about gold buying (probably because they buy gold themselves).

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Nothing anyone says, and no amount of anecdotes will sway your opinion that gold buyers do get hit with bans. So there isn’t any point in discussing that to be honest. So it only makes sense to just point out that you broke rules and you got banned for that. This doesn’t seem unfair to me.

You realize that Blizzard is selling the time you spend making gold in retail for $20 just so that you can get a free month. If you are unhappy with Blizzard, stop letting Blizzard profit off your effort.

I’m back from Blizzard’s latest censorship. Time to start copy/pasting the backlog.

They shouldn’t even care if you buy or sell gold. They need to put in the token and go after bots. But yes, they have horrible priorities. They probably unnecessarily censor more people from the forum than ban bots in the actual game.
(This post is being unnecessarily censored by Blizzard until May 7, 2023 7:00 pm.)

there are people trading wow tokens for wotlk classic gold, just saying…

that is actually totally legit.

Sure if you trace the gold’s origin it’s probably botting, but that’s legal RMT from Blizzard trading retail gold for classic gold.