Buy and sell gold for RMT? No ban. Soft AFK 4 battlegrounds? 1 week ban first offense

They ban the bot, you buy gold so they can get a new sub for a bot.

Actually you’re wrong, those people harm the economy very badly by introducing a ton of gold and people who farm it legit struggle due to inflation.

Just see if you can craft items with gold earned the legit way on first weeks or a raid, or see if you can go in a gdkp based on the gold you won doing dailies to see.

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i’ve never done a daily in all of wow classic. That content doesn’t interest me. i didn’t have hodir shoulder ench until a couple weeks ago

just join a gdkp and don’t buy anything. gold inflation is the best thing to ever happen. We can make money so much easier for consumes/enchants etc. you can farm minipets while levelling that sell for 5k-25k gold.

Without gold buyers inflating the economy, we would be back grinding Dark/Demonic Runes like healers had to in vanilla classic (Not fun). Now we can play the content we enjoy with extremely minimal time wasted obtaining the necessary gold for respecs/enchants etc

Stuff is expensive week 1 of a phase because of demand, most people solely play for raid content and many have this “BIS ASAP” mentality because they want to parse high

Lol, soft AFK. I think most would call that non-participation.

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Ladies and gentlemen this post is what is called “whataboutism”…

Where something is clearly wrong and should be dealt with… but the OP tries to get off the hook for their garbage behavior by pointing their finger at someone else… For something completely unrelated.

Enjoy the ban bro. Maybe feel some grass while you away idk


botting n gold buying r big problems in da game right now.

da bots n gold buyers need to be banned.

take a look at dis guild asking for da gold cap to be raised.
Gold cap too low . plus da same guild asking for nerfs Nerf Ulduar .

a guild officer dat also sells gold on a discord while also running a gdkp discord. note da ranks n color of their name in da discords.

imgur. com/a/YdnNCOj

haha. here is a photo of a guilds guild master telling buyers in da gold selling discord how to get priority spots in da gdkp discord. note da ranks n color of their name in da discord. green is gdkp leader.

imgur. com/a/yboW7Pw

screenshot of dat same guilds gdkp discord promoting da same gold selling discord. haha. note da ranks n color of their name in da discord. yellow is leader.

imgur. com/a/GyQcgZf

dis one gold farming operation had 45,000,000 gold sold in tbc classic with da price of 12 usd dollars per 1000 gold.

540,000 usd real life money earned through one gdkp selling gold to people. no one can say dis does not ruin da spirit of classic n promote pay to win culture. too much gold in da game from bots.

think about all da other gold farming operations on da classic servers. dis is just one example.

rmt needs to be stopped.

haha. so funny.

wish i could find you in real life

Ummmm yeah… so thats kind of a weird thing to say to someone on some video game forums…

maybe chill out a bit okay?

oh don’t worry, they ban for botting/RMT :upside_down_face: it’s also just one week though

got banned at the end of TBC for RMT/Botting, assuming it was because I was leveling a pally and successfully mined a node thanks to pally bubble after a max level mage tried killing me before I could get it… (I don’t bot and I never have, at the time i’d rather sit on a week ban vs put effort into making a ticket that wouldnt have been seen for a month with a retroactive “oops we’re sorry:)” after they saw my account literally never had any more than 4k gold at the time, so if I botted/sold gold i’d have quite literally been the worst gold seller known to man since yknow. poor as heck in game)

man this thread aged well. people in here claiming barely anyone bought gold yet here we are today with blizz dropping the wow token cause they simply could not compete with the RMT gold buying.

meanwhile people too concerned with me soft afking 4 bgs

Rather have the gold buyers and RMT than the dirty AFKers in BGs every time. Hell a bot in a BG is better than you AFKers.


i mean that’s all youre gonna have considering how many people are already quitting over the token being added. enjoy your dead game buddy.

well they do ban them. if you havent played with someone who got suspended/banned for selling wow gold youre probably playing less than a day a week or not at all.

A lot of people struggling to understand that right now. Doesn’t even have to be a small vacation, you can literally just stop playing WoW and it’ll be OK.

There are a ton of better games out there.

a large majority of my guild has been buying gold since TBC. None of them get banned.
Edit: One guildie did get banned right before TBC launch actually for 2 weeks. Nobody else

This could be interpreted: “why am I being banned but not my guildies?”

uh okay i did not lol

wotlk gold buying was so bad they had to add the token bro. don’t pretend like a majority of the pop didn’t buy gold on burners and rarely got banned for said behavior

i have never been banned for buying gold because i quit after tbc

Why do you keep bumping this thread? Are you the OP on a sock puppet?

Nailed it.
If they would have taken a hard line stance when classic launched this wouldn’t be the issue it is. Blizz let this happen so they could add the token.

Players caused this. If you don’t have time to farm. You don’t have time to play an mmo.

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