It doesn’t.
And they are sub par games.
They aren’t going to prune again the last time was absolutely awful.
It doesn’t.
And they are sub par games.
They aren’t going to prune again the last time was absolutely awful.
They did this in WoD and the majority of people hated it
I didn’t say she wasn’t easy. I said I don’t play her just because she IS easy.
Nah, Git Gud.
So you’re response is getting angry over a general statement and irrelevant information about why you play hunter?
Why can’t a controller be used ?
Here is a xbox controller for an example
I see 10 buttons for abilities just on the top alone
= 4 abilities 1 per direction
each letter button = another ability so that is 4 taking the total to 8
2 thumb sticks with push down feature x2 comes to 10.
But wait you say that isn’t enough buttons.
Relax I got you there . In front you have 4 buttons to use , but your probably thinking that only gives me 14 total and still not enough .
No not if you use them like regular buttons however if used properly you now have 3 modifiers to use with the other 10 .
1 button =shift , 1= alt and 1-ctrl
Now with the 3 modifiers added to the 10 buttons on top of controller you now have 40 possible keybind options
So… because I disagree/argue with you, I’m angry??? Good grief. I quit. Have a good one.
Not because you disagreed. Because you tried to claim I insulted a bunch of the player base.
I know you can’t really refute points which is why you’re leaving. Have a good one.
Not sure about bloat, but last time I played it I was annoyed at the fact that I needed to maintain a Lifebloom on myself to boost my healing. These small things are just weak aura testers.
This ^ as well. I don’t play healers these days as much as I want. I understand it’s probably fun for competitive players to anticipate and plan their runs with these cooldowns, but I wish they provided a more sustained/passive build options.
I guess it comes to bursty game design where it’s more about reaction than having appropriate gear level. Which is again fun for organized groups, but very punishing if you’re trying to learn alone in pugs.
i know 2 people that use controllers… just get good with keybinds/macros and you can though
again the issue isn’t the bloat, its players who refuse to learn their specs so their not able to keybind correctly, those who keybind EVERYTHING possible, and on top of normal keybinds they make 50 macros for every what if and they are over loading themselves
Can you share the macro for life drain/health funnel?
/castsequence [nomod] Health Funnel;[mod:alt] Drain Life
/cast Soulburn
That macro will use Soulburn if you have it, Health Funnel if no mod is pressed and Drain Life if you hold alt when pressing it.
Soulburn is useful here as it boosts both Drain Life and Health Funnel. If you want more control over Soulburn you can write it like this instead:
/cast [nomod] Health Funnel;[mod:alt] Drain Life;[mod:ctrl] Soulburn
That will use Soulburn when ctrl is held, otherwise Drain Life when alt is held, otherwise Health Funnel.
I think we can all agree hpaly, BM Monk, feral, could use a little bit of work.
People in this thread: don’t dumb down the game! L2p!
Also people in this thread: I need all mah add-ons to try and keep track of my rotations and buffs and cool downs!
The talent trees should work better to provide a pruned or complex rotation. More complex rotations and talent builds should reward a DPS advantage but simple rotations and talents should still be competitive. Telling people to get gud because you are happy with something and not advocating for inclusion and more options for all isn’t helpful.
Shadow Priest is in a sad state right now. Severe button bloat but terrible dps.
No they don’t. People just need to stop making excuses and put some time into improving.
that’s not a counter argument, that’s just some non-answer nonsense.
I don’t think you understand how macros work. No one is using automated button presses. It’s against tos.
Salvo macro’d into volley is a very common thing to do for marksman for instance. This is avoiding pressing salvo… wrapping 2 button presses into 1 is lite-automation but is nevertheless.
Like who?
go watch the recent poddyc
Because at it’s core rotation it is.
core rotation isn’t representative of the buttons you have to press to be a functional character in a dungeon… I think you’re just choosing to be a jerk honestly.
You clearly have never played a caster.
I used to main mage, and my primary alt is a destrolock which is the least mobile caster in the game. Yeah you were definitely just choosing to be a jerk - checkmate. Maybe go spend some time offline instead of rageposting at somebody when you have no arguments and you’re just here to try to discredit and use putdowns rather than take constructive part in a discussion about game design.
I wasn’t complaining about aimed taking time to cast btw, I was pointing out that it’s a component of the class which DOES matter, particularly in mythics. I was ALSO pointing out that marksman has it easy on button presses and mechanics compared to other classes but man oh man people have trouble reading and interpreting so maybe I should have been way more clear and written another 2 paragraphs.
Also yeah RF is big this tier but normally it’s not the main thing so come on man lol
Its a fact. Sorry you dont like it.
And you usually have to hit those type of macros twice unless its off the gcd.
So no one well known.
I had 96 keybinds in Cata. keep making excuses though.
Both of which have very low rotation binds
I also have played both mage and lock at mythic level.
Reality called, you havent checkemate me in anything.
I refuted your points. Youre the one trying to claim im “rageposting” trust me I never get mad over the forums
“normally it aint the main thing”…
It IS the main thing for the rest of this season.
You drop everything you’re doing to cast RF, other than not cap on aimed shot charges of course ahaha.
Obviously seasonally RF can be your main thing (this season) but typically it’s aimed shot which is clearly what I was saying.
… I think you might be intentionally misreading what I said though soooo gl with life dude. I got better things to do for the rest of the weekend.