Button Bloat from the Perspective of a Middling Player

Button bloat is so bad in this game.

Unless you’re a Beast Master or Survival Hunter.

Then the game is fun again as there’s no button bloat.


This is the great thing about the current talent tree: you’re free to build a spec for yourself with fewer buttons. And unless you’re fighting Mythic Smolderon or trying to clear a +27, you’ll be fine.


You completely missed the point.

It’s so easy to get via either pugging or buying which means it’s common.

Which means the op not having it is BELOW average.

Not to mention if I were trying to judge them logs exist.

It’s really not. Each tree has multiple passive options for people to take if they don’t care about doing the best damage.

bloat isn’t an issue.


Or OP doesn’t want to spend gold on a pointless “achievement” that can be bought.


Ok let me explain this again

Read the above section.

Op not having a common achievement means they are below average.

See, I think that’s a player failing. The ability to create a simpler to play or lower button count version of the spec is great, but the problem is the people who would actually benefit from doing that, aren’t good enough to realize that they should.


What is considered button bloat? Useless abilities? Or ones that don’t fit in your rotation?

I use razor Naga and bind my abilities with Cntrl, Shift, alt. Usually Cntrl/Alt can cover it and maybe a few on shift. But I just button press with my mouse and my left hand swaps between those 3 keys.

I do not want WOD through BFA level of pruning again :face_with_peeking_eye:.


The average don’t buy AoTC as there’s no point to unless they want the mount.

I don’t want the mount, so I didn’t bother with AoTC even though I could easily buy it and get it rather easily while looking at cute cat videos.

If it takes more than one hand to do your rotation then it’s too much.


I can almost guarantee many players are using outside programs hard to detect like autohotkey or their MMORPG mouse software to add “delays” to circumvent the global cooldowns. And then they string along 2 or 3 spells as needed into one keybind. That’s what bots are doing for the most part. That’s why there isn’t much more of an uproar over the excessive keybinds.

I said in a previous thread how stupid it is for my fire mage to have scorch, fireball, pyroblast and greater pyroblast (pvp only). They could easily ditch fireball and use scorch and pyroblast only and the game would not suffer. They could bake the talent benfits of fireball into the other two spells.

That’s just one example of many. Every class has the same issue.


Ooh, nice visuals.

I’m not old, and I can handle it, I just don’t want to. Lots of this stuff is junk that I don’t want, but if I don’t use it, I’m holding my teammates back.

I think rotations are fine besides afflock. The thing I want less of is COOLDOWNS. I hate all these stupid buttons I can only press once every 10s or longer. I want maybe 4-5 rotational buttons, ONE offensive cooldown, ONE defensive cooldown, and 1-2 CC buttons (interrupt and aoe stun ideally), 1 dispel button that is the best it can be without taking any talents. gg


Heroic is the highest number of participation for raids all expansion.

That’s the point. It’s easy to get and if someone doesn’t have it while claiming to be above average they are incorrect.

Yeah I highly doubt it.

I don’t even use a mmo mouse and have zero issues with keybinding every ability.

Mostbfire mages don’t even take greater pyroblast.

So you’re complaining about a three button rotation. That’s a skill issue not a button bloat issue.

The only class that legitimately has bloat is Brew Monks.

Other then that it’s a skill issue.


Aff lock rotation is actually fine outside of 2-5 target.

The only change Aff needs is to add SL to VT

This would be extremely boring gameplay and punish good players.

No thanks.

If AOTC was easily Pugged, then a significantly larger % of the population would have AOTC. Saying something is easy let alone easily pugged implies that a large MAJORITY of the playerbase would have completed AOTC.

But history shows us that even in the teirs where the greatest percentage of subscribers have AOTC, the majority of players 60% of better don’t get AOTC and in some teirs it’s less than 15% of the playerbase.

Getting AOTC is far from “average” and not having it is far from being “Below Average”. Below Above Average yes…as the title means… “Ahead of the curve” your ahead of the majority. So you cant be ahead of the majority and then say everyone (the majority) behind you is below average.

Your not average if you have AOTC.


It is easily pugged considering this is especially the easiest heroic raid in multiple expansions.

Citation please.

Op claimed to be above average and doesn’t have aotc. Therefore they are not above average.

Is this based on actual statistics or what you feel is right? If the former I’d actually like to see them, it’d be interesting to see.

I’m suuuuper curious how your bars are set up. I feel like there could be a lot of inefficiency.

The skills are so similar between classes I can almost have the same bar setup on every class.

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The numbers are on Reddit.

Achievements are tracked. The number of accounts with heroic achievements are similar to a combination of LFR and normal boss achievements (because the achievements for normal and LFR are shared)

The majority of the raiding player base does heroic