Button Bloat from the Perspective of a Middling Player

You just google “your class WA” and you click on the first link to get a pack, is not rocket science.

Thanks, and I very much appreciate constructive conversation from both people who agree with me and people who don’t. There is no absolute right for things like this, as it is highly subjective and there is such a broad player base that there is no “one size fits all”.

So productive debate is always good and useful :slight_smile:


Game probably needs less dmg/healing buttons, less modifiers, a bit less mobility overall and more actual abilites that do things besides dmg/healing.

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You’re entitled to think whatever you want. I also don’t really care what you think.

In comparison To the raiding playerbase you are below average.

I dont sugar coat things because that’s not how the world works.

There is zero entry to mid level content that requires weakauras. Zero.

Weakauras exist because people like being able to customize their UI.

Incorporating weakauras into the base game is a waste of dev time.

I’m starting to think you bought your 2900.

That’s why warcraft logs exist. As do raider io.

It’s not the fact that they are 6/9 heroic that. Made me comment. It’s the claim that 6/9 is above average for a raider when it’s not.

And to be honest anyone doing only mplus and being sub 3k is below average too.

Not according to ION. I’m also not counting all players because you can’t factor in players that don’t do the content.

In the scheme of people that only raid and only do mplus the op is below average.

half the buttons need cut

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No they don’t.

Over half of the 2nd hardest difficulty tier is above average.
Parses only compare you to others fairly if you were using the same build and gear, which is almost never the case.

In the scheme of overall players, as that’s what matters, not raiders, he is indeed above average.


Inside the raiding community the most played difficulty is heroic so no the numbers show that being less than aotc is below average.

I’m not even talking about parsing but since you brought it up that is incorrect.

It doesn’t separate based on gear or builds. It compares all demo locks with all demo locks regardless of build. It then breaks down and shows windows based on ilvl.

So if you’re grey parsing you’re grey parsing against all demo locks

The things being mentioned don’t apply to non raiders so no they aren’t a factor. In the grand scheme of players he is average in mplus and below average in raiding.

That is a bet you would lose. Top players will play whatever is the strongest, and if it has significantly more buttons than other specs, they will state so.

One of the first feedbacks during the rogue rework was “stop giving us more buttons.”


And that’s the issue. It only matters if you’re using max dps builds and correctly specced gear.

2.9k io is not average is M+ at all.

If you arent looking to use the proper builds and such parsing wont matter to you anyways.

In an inflated season its not very high. Its certainly not flex worthy.

What phrase is it exactly that you want me to say that will give you peace that I am not flexing? I have REPEATEDLY stated in no uncertain terms that I do not consider myself above average skill. I was not flexing, I was providing context to my post, and I was very clear about the scope and intent of providing this context.

At this point you are just being a disruptive child, so please, tell me the words you want me to say so you can be at peace and go away, because you are contributing nothing of value to any of the conversations going on in this thread.

Is it something along the lines of “Oh forgive me Snozex, I misspoke and was not clear and explicit enough in describing how garbage and terrible I am at the game. Please forgive me sir, for I am not even worthy to be in the presence of such an experienced and amazing raider as yourself.”

Saying I am disruptive because you cant refute my points is cringe.

IDC what you do. I am just stating the facts.

Might I suggest stop feeding the troll.

They bring nothing to the conversation. They are 100% not worth replying to, like ever.


Let’s use data instead of personal preference to rank people, shall we?

According to raider.io, we have his main’s stats:

World Region Realm
All Classes & Roles 315,068 79,935 556
All Tanks 335,944 106,477 910
All DPS 193,245 48,814 346

Considering “All Classes & Roles”, we have a total of almost 4M runs.

He’s in the top 10% aka the 90th percentile.

Average would be around the 40th-60th percentile, but let’s pick around the 50th for simplification:

The guy at 2M 2,000,000 (KR) Epse-Aszhara is sitting at exactly 1,413.1 io.

Our OP, (US) Mooshes-Aman’thul is at 2,946.4 io. More than double the IO of the literal “average” player.

Then you mention raiding, as if 6/9H, while disregarding he is not a raider to begin with.

Using WoWProgress as reference, we have 19530 guilds ranked, the last places being 1/1N.

His positioning on it is 6/9H.

The last guild rank with 6/9H Amirdrassil is the guild ranked 11877 - (EU-Draenor) Heroes of Moria, which makes his last possible percentile the 61st.

And the top 6/9H “guild” is the team ranked 11491 - (US-Kel’Thuzad) Illicit - “[Raid] Cryptic” Team, which would put him at the 59th percentile.

Middling (as he put it himself) or right below the measured average for raiding.

Even then, raid measuring is not as objective because there are no “points” associated to each boss, only completion, so a 1/1M alone would be ranked higher than the 9/9H 9/9N person.

So, at least for the area of the game he does heavily participate in, he’s on the top 10%.
You’d never call someone like that not “above average”, based on his score alone, like you’re doing.


Thanks, I was going to respond with something similar, but you did a much better job than I ever could.

Even if you lowered (raised?) the bar to “only players who have completed multiple 20+ runs” I am still statistically in the top 40%, so my statement isn’t false by any measure.

But I suspect Targ is right, at this point we are just feeding a troll who has no actual interested in having his “facts” addressed. He just wants to argue and cause trouble because it seems to be his primary form of human interaction.

In any case, it doesn’t matter. I only (very briefly and with many disclaimers) mentioned that my performance is above average as part of a broader statement to help contextualize that my feedback was coming from around the middle of the pack (rather than from either extreme), and it was only provided to contextualize the feedback.

It is so hard to respond to people on this forum (can only respond after someone else has responded first) that I am just going to stop wasting my responses on Snozex.


No one that actually takes M plus serious takes anyone under 3k IO seriously. I dont know how else to explain this to you.

OK, if even data won’t get over your personal feelings, there is nothing else to talk about.

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Has zero to do with feelings when someone claims they are above average and they arent aotc or above 3k io