Button Bloat from the Perspective of a Middling Player

Hes trolling. His main is 2900 IO as a ret paladin

no offence but i wouldnt be throwing rocks while living in a glass house.

Says the one hiding on a 19 alt.

Im not in a glass house but ok.

2800 io and 3/9m yes you very much are living in a glass house.

2800 IO when I dont even care about Mplus and im actually 5/9 mythic and took a break from the game in January. Should probably look at achievments. Came back and swapped mains for next tier/expansion

Even then you’re a hypocrite also living in a glass house when hiding behind an alt

i could be 4k io but i just dont care blah blah blah. tells me to look at achieves. Has them on private LMAO. yes i am on an alt but then again i dont particularly care about peoples progress until they try to use it against someone else.

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But you arent, hence the hiding on an alt.

Imagine lying because you didnt look at achievments. I dont have anything to hide. You can easily see my AOTC second week of the tier and Nymue kill on 12/14/23.

Lying because you were wrong is pretty cringe.

Anyone that raids isnt flexing aotc let alone flex 6/9 heroic and then claim above average.

Keep hiding on that alt Mr Glass house

your reading comprehension is amazing…

even the armory says you are 3/9m lmao so idk what you are talking about.

once again your reading comprehension is completely unique and amazing lmao.

The irony.

I will quote it for you.


Again for emphasizes

Again the irony.

I can see why you hide your main.

so your evidence is trust me bro. cool story. everywhere else has you listed as 3/9m. fix that part and ill believe you but until then yea no. have fun throwing your rocks. i have to go actually be productive with my day unfortunately. have fun trying to drag people down i hope you decide to be a better person one day.

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This is such a good term for multi-decade mono-gamers who think 50 keybinds and 6 layers of short term buff juggling is normal and fun.


Should probably learn how achievement’s work and that they have dates so you save yourself the embarrassment

Keep hiding your main Mr Glass!

I agree with OP. The talents feel more like flotsam than meaningful contributions to how much fun I have playing a given spec, and a lot of them gum up the gameplay more than defining it.

People wanted trees back, but the thing is, these are no way analogous to the trees of Classic through Cata. Those trees allowed you to build truer hybrid characters. In spite of there being a “class tree,” choices there are pretty monolithic - you pick what of the class’s original kit you are able to take, with very little variance within the pure classes and pretty role specific choices for the hybrid specs, because the game still pretty determinately punishes a DPS from trying to be too tanky or good at healing, and so on and so forth. If you aren’t a feral druid, your druid class tree build is going to look pretty much the same as anyone else’s, because you’re going to want the same utility, right along with moonkin form that, if you are anyone other than a balance Druid, you aren’t going to spend much time in. The forum has been loaded with threads about non-sub specs wishing Shadowdance didn’t play such a role in their builds. And so on and so forth.

Meanwhile, the spec trees themselves are as monolithic as the previous talent system, ultimately with about as many defining choices along with the Shadowlands covenant abilities shoved in, and a bunch of borrowed systems passives to flesh it out, because it seems pretty clear they started with a frame design that looked cool and then were told to fill it in rather than start with real intention.

And the gameplay becomes so much mush.


I think DF went too far with adding to button bloat. SL was already borderline there.

Trees need to be trimmed down to where passive/button nodes don’t exist. It needs to be button/button.

It’s irrelevant whether a button is rotational or not. You still need the muscle memory to press it fast when needed.


If a moba can be at such a high level with a lot less buttons to press it should tell you something. The game does not need this amount of buttons not sure how else to put it.

To be fair there is quite a bit of variation between the specs, like for example the brewmaster monk has way too many abilities. The fury warrior has a very comfortable amount, same with bm hunter to some extent. Shadow priest has too many, the feral druid is a bit so-so, you can play it with less but you’re probably gimping your dps by doing so. Just a few examples I can think of while not actually playing the game.


Still think buttons can be trimmed a bit, classes should have their niches back, and to allow better management for use of other forms of play (such as controllers)


Exactly. Complexity != skill.

It’s not “hard” to flip a coin and get 20 heads in a row. It’s just unlikely.


This is a big problem for sure.

It’s well known by this point that different devs worked on different trees. There really needs to be someone who sits down and figures out what an acceptable amount of buttons is and guides every spec to that point.

Nah, people that perfer low amount of buttons can play some of those classes and people that like having a lot of options can play the ones with more buttons, not everything has to be the exact same amount, that is just boring.

The wow dev team usually feels like a circus without a ringmaster.