Button bloat and 20 button rotations makes picking up a new class extremely difficult

Button bloat is kinda saying I got too much on my plate to eat, well eat only what you need. No one said you need to use all your resources. I run a Shaman, probably one of the easiest if not the easiest after playing rogue and I love elemental.

I prefer the button bloat because it separates the good from the bad, the comprehensible from the incomprehensible, it makes you think and compete for the damage board from knowing when is the best time to use what ability not just specifically to boost your damage but to help the team with all around player CDs and damage mitigators. If you got a problem with wrapping your head around it then go play Diablo where you only use maybe 10 abilities in all. I enjoy the complexity.

Picked up hunter last week. Turned 70 on saturday. Parsing 80-90s through abberus. The problem is boosting and running suboptimal talents with the expectation being optimal output.

I-im too casual to understand what this means. But it sounds like its good?

In the case of this thread, the most complex build was chosen. Idk if its even most optimal, its just complex.

I almost feel like he looked it up on wowhead saw the first opener, copied it, ran to the forums and pasted it.

(If warlock expert wants to jump in and tell me im wrong and that is the optimal way and opener, feel free. I only just picked up the class myself and chose destro for fun)

I count 6 or 7 rotational abilities, and 3-4 cooldowns in that opener

Also, you can play immutable hatred (thereby cutting 2 buttons) and do just fine.

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Im not an expert on any class, but i main Warlock for this tier. Its super easy. The rotation can be summarized as:

Power siphon
Summon everyhing except tyrant
2 hands
Proceed to do 200k-300k opener burst.

Im an affliction main tho.

Do you know if flame surge puts flame shock on mobs not already shocked after you flame shock the mobs with flame shock itself and primordial strike? Just need to know how best way to get that 5 flame shocks out since flame purge pumps out 3 on mobs. Then you hit with the ascendant to lava burst all that are effected with flame shock to get your opening aoe opener along with double instant cast chain lightning. Than you have the instant cast elemental shot combo. Easily own the damage board doing 40-60kdps if not more with instant cast trinkets.

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Honestly, at this point I just fire off whatever is off CD, lol.
I got tired of worrying about it and decided I just wanted to enjoy the content instead of taking a course in advanced math to play the game, lol.
Im sure someone is playing lock competitively that could answer the question much better than I could :slight_smile:

Seriously… stop being lazy.

You can always ask ChatGPT to find you a respected geneticist who can manipulate your genes to grow a few extra fingers for yourself.

I agree.

I leveled my monk this week (60-70), and had no idea how to play, since I hadn’t touched it in two years, and even back then I didn’t play at level cap. Even though timewalking is piss easy, I didn’t want to be a carry, so I looked up the rotation. 13 step opening sequence followed by the usual priority system. Thats just too much.

It also doesn’t help that some classes have damage abilities that aren’t used in all spec’s rotation (Arcane shot on BM hunters, for example)

While I understand your point, this kind of rhetoric is the reason we ended up with the ability pruning disaster in WoD.

Demo is not an easy spec to learn, but frankly, that is what makes it so rewarding once you learn to play it well - especially in pvp. Imo, that’s what makes this game so fun. If demo is too much on it’s own, destro is a much simpler time too.

Ahh nice we’ve returned to the place where people want another Great Pruning… and round and round we go lol, everything bad is good again and everything good will become bad…

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Especially for classes with 3 dps specs i feel like complexity is important to differentiate. Otherwise it would just be “pick your color of destro” kinda thing.


I just don’t know why modern gaming has gone this way?

I’m 35 and to be perfectly honest when I was a young kid it felt like ‘rotations’ in any game was just mash whatever buttons of the 4-10 spells or skills were available… man I miss those days.

Now i need a manual just to learn ONE specs rotation. Probably exactly why I main a DH, I don’t have time for that :joy:

No, that’s thirteen with the possibility of a racial and/or trinket which totals to fifteen at most. Also, News Flash: classes hit the most of their abilities at the start of a fight when they have all their cooldowns; more at eleven. Titling this as “rotation” instead of “opener” is incredibly misleading…

No. 5 button mouse is enough for anything and everything.
Use the “Clique” addon and mod macros for added usage.

You should main Fury then.

On-topic: OP posted then vanished. It was just a troll.


Takes about 15 mins to be proficient enough to raid, if you read and use a target dummy. These openers and rotations are not complex, if you simply understand what the spec is supposed to do.

Reminds me…

Level from 1-70
Learn abilities slowly
Add new ability every couple levels
Hit 70
Have a good idea of how to play


Buy level 70 boost
Flooded with 20+ abilities
Feel overwhelmed
Complain about button bloat
Quit the game

The really, really bloated specs (monk stuff, some others) have buttons that feel like you’ve pushed nothing. They do next to no damage, or have such a small effect that you wonder why they exist at all especially on a class/spec that already has more than enough busy work (looking at you brewmaster). Then you’ve got a few really simple ones. Or something like vdh where the number of keys is fairly simple, but there’s nuance and some decent design to how you perform the rotation that can change depending on the situation you find yourself in.

But no, what everyone really needs is another couple ground targets and a statue in their spec. That will make it all better. /s

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I love the “your rotation doesn’t matter just push whatever is on cool down” folks.

Unless you are playing solo; or doing basic content your dps does not matter and this might work.

The moment however, you engage in any other content whether M+ or Raiding you are judged on your performance… Not executing openers; timing cooldowns in relation to one another; burst cooldowns and cooldown cycles and rotations and failing to fully understand or execute can cut your DPS in half.

3/4 of the people posting here would boot an underperforming dps from their own runs or bench them if they were not meeting minimum numbers from their raid.

The game has grown more complicated and the community less tolerant of poor performers. This is no longer simply running Scholomance for a tier set, where your biggest fear was the rogue who might take the druids piece of leather armor and you could get a new rogue to complete the run.

The issue is not simply “the buttons” but the relationships nested within all of those if/then statements that people have to memorize. It doesn’t make more fun or better gameplay but in some class instances there seems to be complication for complication’s sake.