Butters, multi boxers, and aoe grinders

Jesus I can barely do quest in any zone past lvl 24 because of the amount of multi-boxers, bots, and aoe grinders.

I stopped playing wow for 4 years, and I decided to give classic another try, but damn, this inconsiderate behavior by these players is turning me off of this game all over again. How is all of this allowed? I view it as griefing in a sense, when your actively impeding someone’s progression to quest, just cuz you’re either lazy, or selfish.

Can blizz not put an end to this crap?


Keep the matches away from this guy.


I can’t believe it’s not botter!


I hardly think someone AOE grinding can be considered either lazy or selfish :slight_smile: Only if they’re glitching instances.

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lol just hit one of the mobs to break the freeze then run away, it’ll wipe the mage half the time.


What server are you on?

owww .my face. my palm. they both hurt.

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Sounds like you’re on a crap server, OP. I never have problems questing or doing things on my server.


Of course retail servers have no problem… we’re talking classic here genius

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Yes, and just because I don’t switch characters on the forums doesn’t mean I don’t play classic. Try and keep up, honey.


They don’t care.

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I consider it selfish, and here’s why.

I run into them quite often, and I always ask “hey u question or aoe grinding?” They always answer aoe grinding. I’ll ask if we can group. It helps them kill mobs faster, I can do my quest we both win. Everytime I get “no it ruins my xp”.

That’s pretty selfish. I’m doing a quest that requires 12 drops with a drop rate that feels like 1 in 20. Those players are crappy, and selfish. I’m just trying to get the quest done and move on so they can have the whole area to themselves. Instead they act like jerks, and tag every damn mob in the area for their selfish xp gain per hour crap.

So please dont tell me it’s not selfish, cuz it is.


I’m sorry, why are they selfish for not interrupting their method of gaining XP to get to the level they want to be? They are being no more selfish than you are.


I’m offering a solution to help each other out. With my help they can kill twice as many mobs twice as fast with half the down time. So yeah just saying no cuz it’s not how you do it is inconsiderate


Except that they get less XP, and the mobs don’t spawn any faster with two people AoE farming. It is a solution that helps YOU out, and does nothing for them.

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I agree with selfishness, but that’s more of a player issue than actual aoe grinding. I’ve been unable to quest on alts because of mages that are selfish, but i also know a lot of people that do help and wouldn’t mind someone tagging along for some quest drops for a couple minutes. Its just unfortunate there’s a lot of rude players.

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They actually get more mobs, because they arent competing with me. You seem like you’re one of those aoe grinding mages, and that’s why you’re so argumentative on this subject.

Aoe grinding was not the way you were intended to lvl in this game, purposely taking every mob in the area is a jerk thing to do. Anyway you slice it, it’s just inconsiderate and selfish.


Yeah that’s all I want. I’m offering an adult solution to the problem. I feel like I’m being the opposite of selfish here. Obviously some people dont agree.

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Not really. Can’t kill what hasn’t spawned yet.

You’re not. You still have your wants.

If you take everything I say out of context then sure I look like a villain. Try quoting the whole post, not just what you cherry pick to support your arguement

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