But, Pineapple Fried Rice?

I like both


I don’t like rice at all, but I do like pineapple.

I’m so torn :pensive:

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Poor Rice… I can’t believe Pineapple would do that to him.


Jasmine rice is the one true rice. And it’s not bad with a pineapple mix. One of my local burrito places (akin to a Chipotle, but better food, and no food poisoning) had a pork and pineapple mix. So good…

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In all all honesty is there a healthy rice people can eat? Or is it all unhealthy?

I love Thai Pineapple fried rice :yum:

Brown rice


I could find pineapple fried rice here too. Made by Siamese. Not bad.

I’ve had Spam fried rice. I could see a little pineapple in that. I don’t really think “sweet” for fried rice though.

Its the amount of rice that can be bad. But short version for your question is technically brown rice is healthier.

The island prefecture I live on in japan is famed for its old people popullation. 90+ is very common here. so are 100’s.

Rice 2 meals a day if not breakfast too. Ye old onigiri (rice ball with stuff in it) has started many a japanese person’s day.

also its what you put on it. Japanese don’t load up the butter/margarine, salt, etc. From the cooker to the table, nothing added.

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If you’re not a diabetic, it’s just another carbohydrate. But it will spike your blood sugar like a skyrocket and fast. Millions of people thrive on it, especially whole brown (unmilled) rice.

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i like brown rice with pineapple and sultanas (throw in some pine nuts if feeling fancy!)

Hol’ up, you’re telling me a pineapple fried this rice?

now have started a rice war!

Some japanese deem this a lesser rice. versus their own, ofc.

Coming here long ago as an American rice selection and wars was one of those cultural difference I had to learn and accept.

and in time…become a critic on. I know when I get high grade or cheap rice now. Higher grade has a shinier appearance besides other things.

personally I Like thai (jasmine) rice the same as the Japanese rice the wife gets.

Only difference is that Fried Rice w/ pineapple is actually a very common Asian dish.


I like rice plain tbh, i love brown rice/ wild rice…i just want healthy options. Im not 18 anymore and have stopped eating like I am. Thank you so much for sharing now i know.

Where i work, a lot ALOT of asians shop at my store, and they mostly buy the huge bags of jasmine rice…not sure why tho if its inferior.

So for example if diabetes runs in my family, would be best to avoid rice altogether, or keep with the brown rice?

That’s an interesting question, but until you’re diagnosed by an endocrinologist as being either diabetic or pre-diabetic, I wouldn’t worry about it much.

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