Business Class (on Sargeras) is offering carry services for Heroic Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible!
We have a 100% completion record through multiple tiers, and pride ourselves on providing quality, efficient carries during which you can also enjoy yourself! Our players are always happy to answer any questions you may have regarding to a boss or the nuances of your class.
-Heroic Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible-
- All Raiders are UNSAVED
When: 8:30PM EST (5:30PM PST) every Monday. Next run - July 10th.
- 9/9 Heroic Full Clear with Tier and Armor Funneling w/ ability to roll on weapons, rings, necks, cloaks, trinkets and Sark curios: 1 million gold (See details below).
- 9/9 Heroic Full Clear (Non Funnel) w/ ability to roll on weapons, rings, necks, cloaks, trinkets and Sark curios: 400K gold (See details below).
Availability (for July 10th)
Dreadful Token (Death Knight, Demon Hunter, Warlock) – OPEN
Mystic Token (Druid, Hunter, Mage) – Reserved
Venerated Token (Paladin, Priest, Shaman) – Reserved
Zenith Token (Evoker, Monk, Rogue, Warrior) – OPEN
Cloth Armor – OPEN
Leather Armor – Reserved
Mail Armor – OPEN
Plate Armor – Reserved
-Raid Rules/Details (Please Read)-
Funnel buyers receive ALL armor pieces AND tier tokens for your class (excluding Curios from Sark, which are rolled off between buyers). These are full funnel runs with only one funnel buyer on each armor type and tier token.
Weapons, Trinkets, Curios, Cloaks, and Jewelry are rolled off between all buyers. Each buyer additionally receives three “priority” rolls to spend as they choose. This is a “soft” reserve system to use on non-armor/tier items. You can load up all three"priority" rolls onto one item, or split your choices to two or three different items. If no other buyer spent a priority roll on the same item, it’s automatically yours. If multiple buyers chose the same item, they will get to /roll for each priority roll spent on that item, with the highest winning. If an item had no priority rolls spent on it, everyone can roll for it normally. The chart showing priority rolls chosen per buyer will be released at raid time for transparency.
Our guild is reserving TWO items: Neltharion’s Call to Dominance trinket, and the Ominous Chromatic Essence trinket. ALL other loot on every boss is for our buyers, including the other two Neltharion class based trinkets.
During the run, you must hit pass on ALL loot, even the pieces you will be receiving. Loot will be distributed at the end of the run. Should you decide to roll need on, and ninja grab a piece of loot, you will be removed from the group and forfeit your gold and any loot you would have been given. This is to protect each buyer from the potential dishonesty of others.
We will only accept gold as payment. No exceptions. We can take gold on ANY server and/or faction. There is a 5% discount for Sargeras gold!
We require a 20% deposit due upon booking a date. The remaining 80% is due at the start of your run before we pull the first boss.
Your deposit is fully refundable up to 12 hrs prior to the run (must request your cancellation before this point). If it is within 12 hrs of the run before you give notice (or you are a no show), your deposit is forfeited if we cannot find a replacement buyer. This is to protect all of our raiders’ time!
Please reach out with any questions and/or if you wish to book a run! Thank you.
Discord Contact: teyla_
Battle. net Contact: Teyla#11577