Burning the Trees

It’s a conspiracy thread, all hits are allowed, no rules.

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Only when they’re actively using their powers.

They can do the horizontal tango all they like as long as they don’t involve Light or tentacles.

Forsaken priests live in constant anguish and misery when using holy powers.


nobody understand.

If shadowlands is where dead people go…

…how do the Valkyries collect the souls/bodies of the strongest warriors for Odyn, before the Kyrian workers do so?

In fact, how does Odyn determine who is the strongest of the warriors for the Valkyries to take to the heavens?

In the end, kyrians and Odyn’s army…could they go to war against each other?

When Arthas died, why didn’t an Odyn Valkyrie go get him if he defeated all the heroes of Azeroth?

Were there centaurs among the spirits that the Kyrians captured?

Were there beings like the (broken) draenei of Argus in Shadowlands?

There are so many questions…

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Could be but oh what a void :rofl: jk

The more they burn the more the trees grow :grin:

“Joke’s on you, I’m into that!”

burning night elf tree homes isnt bad its just a sport we do for fun.

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Shes coming back pretty soon imo
Theyve alluded to it twice now.
Its more like a few years community service


There’s a Kyrian quest that says if the Val’kyr get to someone they let them have him, since they know they’ll get him eventually anyways.

Because Devos and Uther got there first.

Also Odyn has very stereotypical ideas of what makes someone a great warrior and probably didn’t like Arthas much since he was stealing Odyn’s Val’kyr.

Presumably, yeah.


It seems clear that Odyn decided to make his own little mini-Oribos to keep some spirits around. And since the Lich King has his own thing going on, linked to the Shadowlands, I could see Odyn just not wanting him or not having access to him.

When it comes down to it, we really only have a surface understanding of everything. There is a lot we’re probably missing / misunderstanding / misemphasizing without even needing any true retcons,


sylvanas did nothing wrong, sylvanas is saving the night elf souls there that elune allowed to burn to death and be sent to her sister but didnt check to see if they went there. its almost like elune was pushing Lady Moon( sylvanas’s nickname by her sisters) into killing the night elves and burning their clearly corrupt treee

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Odyns little plan to gain death magic is the reason the jailer was set free.

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Sylvanas did many things wrong.
Killing night elves was not one of them.
They annoy me haha

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Feels like they’re working on a long redemption arc for Sylvanas once we finally understand what is going on behind the scenes with the master of puppets( \m/ )

Sylvanas yes she did many things wrong none of them was her actions as leader.

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Yeah, that’s a hard “NO” from me. I’ll make a game of rationalizing almost anything, but I do have some lines I’m not crossing,

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well your a night elf lover so your bias.

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I think they are siblings

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Could Alerria summon beings from the void for a little party with Turalyon?

like, naruto could use a kage bushin and create 2 more narutos to play with hinata, right?

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Am I gonna have to bonk you two?

Hhm,that is strange then there is a reason behind everything leading up to now. Oh the Moon goddess is holding back a plan? :eyes:

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