What’s up Chemical my all time favorite mage. Sirdarkness Human Warrior from Syndicate of Wrath.
Character: Sirdarkness, Human, Warrior
Guild: Syndicate of Wrath
Looking to reconnect with friends from that era.
Name: Duddin/Destian
Class: Warrior/Paladin
Guilds: Silver Storm, Advent, Aegis, Renegade
What up man! i remember you from Silver Storm.
I remember you too!
Ironforge Mercs
This was my main for raiding.
gnome rogue
SWVG, aenigma pugger
playing dwarf priest this time for classic
I remember you guys! I was in Envy/Frozen Prophets and trying to remember another guild I was in a long time.
Character: Wusamata, Night Elf, Rogue
Guild: Draconin
Draconin has been raiding together on and off for 15 years throughout each expansion. We’re rolling on Herod for Classic. Hit me up to reconnect:
i’ve got connections to silendeath. i’ll send him a message for you
I missed him.I hope hes doing great.
character: isilorinda / cyren / starhowl
classes: hunter / priest / shaman
guild: syndicate of wrath, mjollnir, existence
still playing actively on starhowl, just on a different server. got connections to silendeath, agathos, emkima, cross, and sirdarkness on bnet still.
looking for magil, fianna, and malaric
heyo chemical! good to see you on
<— isilorinda
Silendeath helped me out as a noob. I remember meeting him in Ironforge. Man in TBC he helped me out with clearing The black morrass for my kara key. It was not that I could not do it but my sony viao crap pc … would burn up and shut off by time I would get inside the dungeon midway lol.
I found out I was in guild Bluesteel for while. But I was just a noob in vanilla. I mostly looked up to you guys in cool guilds and stuff lol.
my battle tag is MrBrac#1992
Talamar or Juggèrnaüt main tank and one of the guild leaders of The Ironforge Mercenaries.
That little, good for nothing, time warping witch Chromie is up to no good again, and it up to us to put the time line right again… I’m calling on all of my old sellswords and mercenaries to come to my aid and help me set things right again.
We are also recruiting any and all able-bodied souls looking to join an “Adult Only” casual, raiding guild.
No mommy makes your main tank go to bed @ 8 for stealing her credit card info again to buy something on Fortnite.
Are you from last generation before they started giving out participation trophies? Then Ironforge Mercenaries might be the place for you.
Are you currently reading this with reading glasses from many years of playing mmorpg? Then Ironforge Mercenaries might be for you.
If you might require 2 possibly 3 bathroom breaks during a raid? Then Ironforge Mercenaries might be for you.
If you have BEEN THERE AND DONE THAT, but you don’t always remember what THAT was, then Ironforge Mercenaries is definitely for you.
If you are from a time when helmets were for race car drivers and not bicyclists. Then Ironforge Mercenaries might be for you.
If you think “Salty” means something with too much actual salt. “Thirsty” means you need something to drink like water from a green garden hose or a faucet; not from your $60 reusable, BPA free bottle with a built-in strainer for your non-GMO, organic, gluten-free fruit. Then Ironforge Mercenaries might be for you.
If you read this and think “I can’t even” then Ironforge Mercenaries is NOT for you.
Looking for people with the standard 9 to 5 Monday through Friday jobs, CDT zone preferred, and no raid XP needed (we will teach).
We will be playing on Skeram , and not in a big rush to get to our first raid night. Join now and you will receive a small DKP bonus to jump start your raid night.
Contact Juggèrnaüt in game.
I remember seeing Packetvirus at some point
WOOT WOOT Sup Ninjiamoses
I believe Aurelius was my main tank!
This is Guna from Frozen Prophets/Envy/others I am blanking on.
I played with Aurelius, Stow, Drneblungin/Mortality (sp?) Sandypantz (and the other pants), Mortality etc
Xandrah ! Varlexar here man, used to heal in raids with you guys back in Draconin. Lost contact with most of those guys over the years.
Azziz I think, Hyuga, Klaude, Lardy, Brenny, Melkoir, female human warrior Faymiony, Marlow.