Yes loved your guild name back then and now!
Guna - Night Elf Druid - Frozen Prophets, Envy and others. Was super into MC and BWL then slowed down around summer 2007.
Also have all of us Burning Legion Alliance players decided to go on a certain server?
Omg glacier and zoobie, still at it together. Could almost still remember your voice. Lol
bnet ID is battleoozer#133550
Hey diah! I always remember sword rogue with you for some reason.
A long shot but Syanide here (human rogue) looking for Luciandra (human shadow priest). Always had a blast playing together!
Played a warrior on alliance back then in mjolnir did the marshal pvp grind too
I’m still here and I remember that day for sure wouldn’t forget ever
I have not forget asking my grandma to buy me that crap viao T_T. I build my own now. How have you been?
Khaal! It’s Bellemadison! Great to see you bud! I am rolling Alliance with a few old friends on Fairbanks server. Add me on Battlenet Bellemadison#1502
Khaalathas! Nice to see you, man!
Not sure where I’m going to play but I reserved my name on Faerlina, Thalnos, and Whitemane. I’m probably going to be super casual since I’m committed with my guild in retail.
How about you?
Will Do Buddy
Going to be Horde Side on Herod I think. been waiting for classic for a bit miss the good ole days. Can’t get into current on my warrior preferring my dk on BfA hoping its as enjoyable as it used to be. Be well friend.
Character Name, Race, Class:
- Wolfsraine, Night Elf Rogue
Original Guild:
- Tyranny! Don’t really remember if I was in Eminence, I feel like I was, no idea though!
The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
- All of the knuckleheads that were in Tyranny! You know who you are!
Varlexar and Xandrah - add me on bnet “wusamata#1714”
Draconin is rolling on Herod Alliance if you want to reconnect.
Whats good brother, we are going Thalnos “Alliance” add me on Btag, and lets get it. Snip3#1929
Wow a lot of old school names on here.
Character Name, Race, Class:
Gritzngravy Dwarf Paladin
Original Guild:
Three kingdoms, Sin, Paincakes / Raided some with Tyranny before Mug’thol free transfer.
The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Played with a lot of people, grinded GM with paincakes and did some raiding with Sin as well as Tyranny. Mostly remember everyone from the PvP scene being an early GM. I cant remember if Prisoner was on Burning Legion or Mugthol but Anyone who grinded Bgs.
IRONFIST is going Horde on Whitemane
Name: Fellebl
Race: Night Elf
Class: Rogue
I had just hit cap and was pugged into a raid with Very Hairy Man Guild. Played with them for years
Damn, a lot of CQ peeps showing up lol