Burning Legion Alliance Reconnections

Dargan! It’s Korie/MZ/Sabrieal/Ravenfrost, whats up!? How’ve you been! hit me up Korie#1365 is my btag, tell joshmw he better add me too!

Hi Rose. I remember you. :grinning: I am Demosthenes, warlock from Tyranny and then played with AEnigma for awhile too before I sold the account. Just using my stepdad’s account to check out Classic

Name: Demosthenes
Class: Warlock
Guilds: Tyranny/AEnigma

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To be fair i was a bratty and whiny little bee-hatch back then. My frustration treshhold was paper thin. Ironically now people think i’m the complete opposite, maybe parenthood did it’s thing. It’s sad because i lost touch with everyone after i moved back to Europe and i just gave up WoW for almost a decade.

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Name: Glacier
Class/race: Mage /Gnome


Hi Demo, how have you been?


Sup y’all. BOOTTY you sick SoB. So great to see all the old names coming back.

Character still the same though was troll for a good long while after Wrath.

Guilds: Tyranny/Consequence/OG
Edit: and Eminence I GUESS

BNet: Saithis#1229


GM of Eminence doesn’t list Eminence in guilds, GJ idiot.

Glacier! I got some good pvp clips fighting you.

like 3 or 4 good battles between us.

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We live to forget

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Hi Demo, Rose, Haruka, Elwynta, Eredwyn, Glacier, Gaiya and Sano. Good to see ya!


And where is your guild?


yo this is Maxsawa, I’ve been trying to get Shifty to come back too. I don’t think he’s gonna budge

Name: Maxsawa
Class/race: Gnome Mage
Guilds: Thug Life / Unrivaled / Refugees / ßloodshot / Aegis I think? I genuinely do not remember this stuff because I was a teenager and it’s been like 11 years

Sorry for getting banned on the forums so much, I was but a child. Best of times, worst of times

Night Elf Hunter
= )
Guilds Silver Storm, Learn 2 Play

Are you playing the classic? Let me know…
Bootty #11678

Hey Azka - long time no see - what server you going to when Classic comes out?

Khaalathas - NE Warrior from back in SIN here i suppose i should change my tag LOL

Whats up Murri - gonna be staying ally? if you roll horde should come on over to Herod :slight_smile: we can go kill stuff together again :slight_smile:

Hey buddy, hows it going? Long time no see. Hope all is well. Gonna be rolling the Hordie route this time around though. Warrior again on Herod looking forward to gankin peeps again :slight_smile:

Khaalathas - NE Warrior with the Hand O Rag 2 shottin squishies -formerly of Three Kingdoms , SIN, Chaos some other ones as well its been forever and I’m old now so i forget.

Going to be rolling horde side this time around on Herod - PvP

Hit me up and we can group up some guys