Burning Crusade Classic: The Sunwell Plateau is Now Open!

face palm How does anyone not realize that Sunwell is upcoming? I guess if you were trying to take off work, maybe that would be a valid complaint. However your in game stuff should have been handled weeks ago.

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So they were not prepared?

I’ll see myself out…


Who is making you consume content so quickly? Serious question. Why is it simply not an option to take things at a pace better suited to old, tired dads. Just because Blizz releases a new raid doesn’t mean you are forced to do it. If you want some time to chill before Wrath…why not just…ya know…chill?


that was my post twice, last week & the 2weeks ago, so damn i was mistaken then :frowning:
anyway Wotlk-prepatch coming in late August or early September

HAHA HONK HONK :clown_face: :clown_face: HONK HONK :clown_face: :clown_face: :rofl:

Is there any changes coming to Phase 4 content? Like skipping bosses in BT i.e. going straight to the Council room? Similar to changes that happened in SSC.

Do you remember how you removed the pre-1.4 epic mounts from the game because “we didn’t want to influence people through their first leveling experience. Especially people coming back for the first time. We don’t want people to feel like they have to rush.”?

What happened to you? What happened to that? While that decision remains completely erroneous, that man’s heart was arguably in the right place. Where is he now, when you’re trying to slaughter the pig as fast as possible for no good reason?

P1 (June 1 2021) to P2 (September 15) - 3.5 months
P2 to P3 (Jan 27) - 4.5 months (1.5m post nerf)
P3 to P4 (March 23) - <2 months
P4 to P5 (May 12 2022) - <1.7 months

WHAT ARE YOU DOING? This is the best part of TBC. Did you know that the amount of guilds that have been farming Illidan since day 1 is an extreme minority, and even they’re not “done”? For regular people, the content is even fresher, and Illidan and Archimonde are still big achievements and gear chokepoints.

Personally, I’ve only missed one (1) ZA lockout since P4 release, and I have seen zero (0) Hex Shrunken Heads. That’s 15 kills, for the record. Bear runs are still all the rage, and only 1/50 runs will accept someone without T5+ gear, because timed chest demand is still just as high as it was at release, so it hasn’t even had the opportunity to become the “catchup raid” that it was designed to be.

How dare you let us rot in pre-nerf phase 2 for so long and then push P5 and Wrath through the gate like an underaged ice skater at the Olympics. You’ve already announced Wrath, and all of the Sunwell bosses will be available day 1 (???) so this will be The End! Happy to be here?

We had 1 year & 4 months of Vanilla before Phase 6, 2.5 months until TBC announced, then a 3.5 months Until TBC. Total Vanilla time = 1.8 years
We’ll have had 11.75 months of TBC before Phase 5, and Wrath was already announced, a month before the final TBC phase was even released.

All you had to do was let us pay you full price for a 15 year old version of a game you already made. You could have doubled the gaps between phases in TBC, and you would still get the same amount of subs you will for Wrath. Having all of the SWP bosses available at launch is as insane as removing the AQ gate event would be – arguably more, considering it’s the last content patch of the entire game. I know you don’t hate money, so insanity is the only explanation.

“FOMO… Christmas sales… My people are addicted to it!”


I mean no offense - but your playerbase has quite a lot of working adults. Do you think you could give a BIT more notice next time for a major content release? “Planning ahead a bit” is a real thing in the adult world.


Likely pre-patch by August at this rate; what a joke.

People are legit complaining over getting a weeks notice. LUL I just dont even

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For some of us that aren’t working for whatever reason other than ‘just because’, we’d appreciate advanced notice because P3 and P4 are the best phases – as some of us have said – and also because we are not fully kitted out in the best gear that bosses like Archimonde and Illidan can offer.

I also like planning ahead too. Like some of us want to get our social lives outside of WoW back in order since things are beginning to open back up again.


It’s just absurd, shortening the latter half of the game when this is the part of TBC many looked forward to most. As has been brought out this is pointing to a late August/ early September Wrath release.

At pre nerf SW, few guilds are likely to full clear the first few weeks, likely longer. Which is honestly great, my guild was excited for more challenging content. But now what’s the point of working hard to get a handful of KJ kills just for wrath to drop without the time to enjoy end of game BiS gear and that gear will just be replaced by 66 blues.

For those that say “good riddance, get TBC over with” don’t be fooled into thinking Blizz won’t rush your wrath and leave you feeling like you didn’t get a fair amount of time to play your personal favorite portion of the game, fair being at least closer to what the expansion originally had.


Please postpone 1 more week, clearly “we are not prepared”


Watching them fail TBC with ungodly long Phase 1 with a mere 3 25m raid encounters available…

To then see the late Phase TBC where there is finally a lot of fun and interesting content to play with friends be completely rushed through.

Nah, no thanks I don’t want to experience how bad Wrath Classic gets gutted. I will just look forward to just watching the rush through Wrath to get to Classic Cata and where that road leads.

Canceled sub.


I think we’ll be a month into Wrath by then. The ‘leaker’ who predicted Dragonflight also said Wrath was coming in September.

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I’m trying to wrap my head around keeping the arena rating on the offset PvP pieces when rating starts at 0 and not 1500.

The arbitrary nature of the changes that have been made through TBC have, for the most part, been player unfriendly. It’s greater expectations on a shortened timetable.

And that’s only speaking to PvP. In PvE, giving players 5 months in Kara, an instance everyone was going to farm for the duration of the expansion anyway for badges, while limiting BT to 3 months, an instance where not one but two legendaries drop off the last boss and it takes both to really get the benefit, makes me wonder if the current dev team is even familiar with the content they’re overseeing.

Unless the goal was to have less players accomplish their personal goals this time around as compared to 15 years ago, this can only be seen as a botch by the dev team. If it’s malice, shame on you, and if it’s incompetence, you should be embarrassed.


You really couldn’t give us more than 1 week’s notice? Well not surprising given how you handled the arena season.


It’s what they said. The reason is because no one really stayed behind on Vanilla Classic when we went to TBC. So in essence it seems it wasn’t worth the effort.

wow ! stop complaining … seriously… SWP wont be available right away you’ll have plenty of time to have fun in BT

Doesn’t really add up with rushing out the TBCC content if players won’t have the option to continue playing it after Wrath launches. I feel bad for anyone who wanted to take their time, soak in the experience, and enjoy the old content.