They are unlocking all 6 bosses on May 12th. It’s not tied to the dailies with the Shattered Sun Resistance or whatever the faction is called. So yes, everyone will have full access to the raid on the 12th.
Someone please, for the love of God, explain to me why a raid is releasing on a Thursday. What is the reasoning? People raid Tuesday/Wednesday too. Release this on the 17th.
Any chance we could get a minimum of a 2 week heads up going forward on content? Or is that really too much to ask?
maint on tues for retail classic etc, wed for eu, thursday they have nothing to do so less headaches if something breaks? i dunno really
Please provide an update regarding PvP and Honor costs
The full instance is unlocked from the start but vendors are gated? Makes zero sense. So arbitrary
i just dont think itll be the case… there is su much non sense in all of this that it makes it impossible for them not to comeback on it
The classics are their side hustle. Communication isnt a real priority.
This is pretty disgraceful communication, are you telling me Blizzard, that you didn’t know P5 was launching until today? If you had the date tell us earlier. This isn’t enough notice for players to organize time off for progression. Announcing in the middle of a raid lockout and saying P5 drops this reset also ruins ours and many other guilds speedrunning who have already done splits the past two days thinking we would have a lockouts grace period like every other announcement. Have some consistency. Delay this drop a week and give us some damn time.
I signed in for the first time in years to post how horrible this notice is, my raid teams will have issues getting time off work/kids/RL and organizing things to make raids, we are not all sweaty teens that can just deal with it, one week notice is not enough surley the feedback here shows that, maybe push it back another week?
It’s because China’s reset is on Thursday. Catering to their cash cows over seas.
I’ve been neutral or a little supportive of Blizz’s decision-making recently, but objectively speaking this is such a huge failure on their part. I can’t defend this nor can they do anything to save-face after this blatant lapse in communication. There’s just too much going on back-to-back-to-back and this has definitely put a tenth nail in the coffin for a lot of people
Y’all act like this hasn’t always been the norm. It’s a miracle if they announce a patch more than a week out.
Classic tone-deaf Blizzard. So few people want Thursday releases, yet you do it anyway. Given the short notice and the Thursday release, you’re screwing over a lot of people. People who have spent months to gear up not to just clear Sunwell, but be priority in their guild for the first clear. But people also have lives and jobs and a raiding schedule that generally revolves around a Tuesday reset for NA. Many will have to miss what they’ve spent months preparing for. As a guild leader making the decision of ‘do we raid Thursday?’ a non-raid night, I feel like sh*t having to tell them that yeah, we most likely will, and yeah, you’re going to miss the first clear of you aren’t there. Give us 1-2 more weeks and most of those people could plan accordingly, but 1 week is unrealistic.
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised at this point just how blind to the community Blizzard is.
Cash is king after all.
Stop doing this to us!
Two weeks notice was barely enough before, why the less than a week be better?
Why couldn’t this be released on the 17th?
Thanks for the long notice. They just care about money. Just want to cater to the people who will throw money at them for Wotlk and quit after a month, while the rest of us are handed the bill. Honestly might be done after tbc. “listen to our community.” Yea right.
What happened to “we’re going to listen to our customers!” from just a week ago? Did that only apply to retail? I can’t believe you’d be so smooth-brained to do this to your age 25-35 demographic of working adults.
So keen for Sunwell
I’m constantly amazed by the people who are somehow incapable of figuring out that this would be happening. Literally the moment s3 ended I said ‘next week we have sunwell’ - it was obvious af. Thanks for the confirmation of the content update those of us with brains figured out well ahead of time.
el ratta alada