Burning Crusade Classic Season 4 Ends August 29

Are the BG Marks also being converted at this time?

If not, will items that have BG Mark requirements, have that requirement removed?

With it costing honor, will the gear still have a rating requirement tied to it?


BG marks should be a quest to turn in for another item that you use for honor, similar to ZG charms.

Currently on PTR there is a vendor that converts tokens to like ~180 honor each I believe. Know there’s a vendor, not sure on the amount.

Oh awesome!
Does the gear on PTR no longer requre marks to purchase them?

Won’t know till update, but do not believe so. All the accessories/boot/belt/bracers were pure honor iirc.

Thanks for letting us know about the season ending. Would it be possible to know if we are capped on both honor and arena points that the arena points won’t be lost ? Was hoping for a discount week where we could buy s4 gear with arena points with no rating required. Heck keep the discount I just want to not lose the arena points for nothing.


Well, defeats the purpose of me coming back months ago to farm for Brutal gear, but still a 10/10 change. I knew farming this gear that this could happen and it’s absolutely a good change.

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Maybe a little excess Arena points to gold conversion is in order.

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180 honor and they are unique 10 so you cant hold on to 100 of ea

This is a terrible way of treating people with arena points banked like every previous season. Why suddenly remove the discount week and punish people for expecting the precedent you set from before? Makes zero sense. Let us buy discounted arena point gear for a week like every other season!


Arena Points are converted at a rate of:
1 Arena Point=10 Honor
Honor gear won’t cost honor+badges
Like @Hurhurzerg said, there’s a vendor in Wrath/Pre Patch that will allow you to buy a commendation mark that converts 1 of any mark into ~180 honor.
No rating requirement when the gear is moved to Honor


Would like clarification on 2 things.

  1. Will there be any period where S4 Brutal pieces are available for discounted arena points, before they are available for honor points, like in previous seasons?
  2. Will excess arena points be converted to gold if you are currently capped at 75k honor?

Arena Season ends on 8/29 at 10pm PDT and Pre Patch is 8/30 which means no time for discounted S4 gear for arena points.

The notice is appreciated this time, but the players that planned on a week of discounted gear for arena points like EVERY other season are getting shafted. With this change the points we would normally receive on Tuesday from the last week of the season will just become honor, I guess?


Everybody complaining about no discount…consider your 5k arena points becoming 50k honor and how that will probably be plenty as the honor cost of s4 is basically a discount.

Those capped at 75k honor and 5k arena, why? Desperate to “stay ahead” of everyone else?
You have 2 weeks to spend some of it so you aren’t capped at prepatch.

Ps, I don’t remember if it actually happened but old bc to wrath was supposed to involve a total reset of honor to level the playing field. They put a bunch of new gear on honor vendors to give people something to spend it on before it was lost.
Appreciate that you at least get to keep it this time, as far as I know.

Some people just like to play the game and so getting capped is a by product…


Miracle indeed for communication, but this decision nullifies the arena points for the last week of arena. Instead of receiving arena points we get honor when we log in Tuesday after maintenance. No week to spend points, just more honor on already capped characters. What a joke.


BC pvp is fun?


As someone who has capped 5k arena points, marks and honor across 3 toons. I am not even mad, just happy S4 will be available for honor. Will encourage a lot of PvP during pre-patch which is awesome!

That said, it would be smart for them to delay the arena point conversion by 1 week. If they gave us discounted arena gear (for arena points) during that week it would be ideal, but if they dont at least players at arena + honor cap will be able to make use of the 50k honor they have banked in arena points instead of it dissapearing into the ether.