Burning Crusade Classic Season 4 Ends August 29

Could you make it so Arena Teams in prepatch/WOTLK have to manually head out to the Arenas to do battle? It really takes away from the community social experience for teams to teleport to Arenas by talking to an NPC without ever leaving Shattrath/Dalaran.


Good news! Am interested to see prices for each set, thank you for info!

So what about people who have alts that are 75k honor capped and have 5k arena points saved and were hoping to buy weapons? Does the 5k arena points just vanish now?

Can you maybe do this the same way you’ve done every season and maybe hold back on the honor conversion until Wrath comes out? Let us use our arena points for discounted items first.


Kind of lame, all my guys are honor/arena point capped. Thought I’d be able to spend my arena points on off spec or swap specs for wotlk leveling. But now the arena points just going rot there since im capped. Rather there was a discount week then an honor buying 3 weeks…


with 5000 arena points and honor capped as well I expect to get full brutal and offset.


You say that but when the prices come out and you can’t lol.

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Also if you don’t have the rating t o buy the off set, you’re arena points will just disappear since you’re alrdy honor capped and the requirements won’t drop until the points get converted.

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yeah not sure what to do with all the honor + arena points, do the 5k arena pts just go poof bc I’m also honor capped? A bit of a bummer.


Or hope they increase honor cap before conversion

Honor caps 75k in wotlk they won’t change that.

Will there be a post season discount like the other seasons?


According to the post no, at 10pm the seasons over and then the reset is the pre patch AP converted to honor. 0 discounts

There is an arena in Dalaran. Dalaran Sewers. So uh… wish granted?

Won’t all those area points will be wasted if you wait for the conversion?
It pretty much seams like if you’re sitting at honor cap you need to spend you’re arena points ASAP.

I was hoping to save up 5k arena points and but full Brutal for the discounted arena point price, but it looks like that isn’t happening.

I also wish we knew what the prices will be to know if it would be worth it to wait for the conversion to buy pieces (for those people that dont have honor cap).


It’s possible that tomorrow when they do the maintenance for beta/ptr, we’ll get the patch update and the gear will be updated on said clients. So we could have a better idea tomorrow.


Moving S4 to honor in pre-patch is great but the thought of losing that one week transition period to spend down arena points on discounted gear is a real gut-wrencher. So many hours wasted.


They should just offer gear at a discount for arena points then also a vender to buy honor with arena points. At least for that 1 week lol.


We should know more tomorrow if they end up updating the ptr/beta with the S4 gear changes to honor, and if they’ll be at a 60% discount or not. If they’re not at 60% discount, I would wait for a blue post unless people think it would be a good idea to ask if S4 gear will be discounted to 60% honor.

If it’s anything like the classic to tbc pre patch other then that 5 hours of bugged honor it still took hours upon hours to farm each piece of gear. Probably be 37.5k honor for the 2h weps. At least the wotlk honor gains will be in.

So the people who have 5k arena points and are already honor capped get screwed? awesome… :clown_face: