Burning Crusade Classic Season 2 Ends January 11

Ok… the point is they most likely aren’t even at the office, I’d even put money down nearly the entire company is still working from home. So a response is close to zero chance.

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Sounds pretty sweet.

Meanwhile the holiday upgrades my mere 1 day weekend to 2 and I’d really like to know how best to spend my time but…yeah.

I don’t disagree with you, the balance is awful, but people could still have fun with it if it was more casual friendly. It’s current implementation makes it hardcore to the extreme. But it didn’t need to be that way.

I used to be a classic + guy holding out for new content for vanilla because so much content was created for classic 60 that was just shelved. After experiencing first hand how arenas were handled with literally every change being for the worst, I now have zero faith in this development team. I want them to give us as close to a TBC experience as possible by leaving things as they were as the original devs intended and the current dev team never touching the game again and just roll out fresh servers once in a while so we can relive the experience again if we want. Same goes for all the level 60 content pre-TBC.


rogues sure have a lot in their toolkit, but are hardly OP, I think you really should give it a try to actually understand how hard it is to be a good rogue in pvp.
it’s actually a lot harder than most classes I’ve played


At what time EST can we play up too on the 11th before Arena games don’t count for rating? I seem to remember at the end of S1 the Season ended pretty abruptly and earlier in the day then it should have.


its was n old tbc sure it will be now

just a guess it ends when servers go down for maintenance as always?

I heard the arena discount was on the PTR, hopefully that means the honor conversion happens too.

While I know this is not something discussed extensively here, will there be a way for returning players to catch up to those that are fully decked out with season 2 arena gear? I am not saying you guys should spoon feed us gear and implement a catchup system like in retail, but at least make it more accessible to acquire decent gear to have a chance to fight in arena once season 3 starts? I realize returning yesterday at the end of the season/phase was not to my benefit, but it is a bit disheartening how ahead (rightfully so) some of these players will be when the new season starts.

I type all this knowing fully well that Kaivax won’t even reply, which is rather sad honestly.

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They SHOULD release s1 gear for honor this phase if it’s anything like OG.


Are the season 2 pvp sets going to be discounted the same as season 1 sets?

You might not like hearing this, but at the rating a ‘returning player’ would be playing at, the difference between S1 gear and S2 gear is not going to be significant enough to help you in games. It’s assumed that S1 gear will be purchasable with honor at the start of P3. So get your honor/mark capped, buy it all at the start of P3 along with the new S3 offpieces and you’ll be fine catching up playing games weekly working toward your S3 pieces. Nobody starts S3 with full S3 gear, they’ll all be in S2 gear for a couple weeks until points are awarded in the new season.

That is the catch up mechanism. What else would you suggest?

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Just to reiterate the previous 2 responses… We should have season 1 arena gear available for honor when S3 starts. There is a very small difference between Season 1 and Season 2 arena sets unless you are cloth (there is a massive armor difference for cloth which will definately feel impactful).

Despite what this forum will tell you, the honor grind isn’t that bad now. Just focus on getting as many marks as you can during each battleground weekend.


Should I farm all bg’s or just focus on weekends? Right now, I’m doing everything but AV (the bg I have the least marks for), since AV weekend is coming up. I figured that if I try cap out on all of those, I’ll have an easier time spamming AV weekend to get the most honor possible. Thanks for your feedback guys, I already figured as much, but just wanted to confirm through the posts before I make any mistakes.

Rep gear 2 patches ahead of time, cross faction bgs, increased point gain, reduced gear cost (20% then 50%) as a catch up at the end of every season, extremely aggressive ban waves to punish title cheaters, pretty much everything they’ve asked for at this point except dual spec i guess.

Yeah but this man wants more loot now and a personal response from the community manager.

I see all of those reasons as developers band-aiding a problem they caused. If honor gained and prices were correct at the start then adjustments wouldn’t be needed. Secondly, none of those have any impact on anything non-pvp related.

The honor grind isn’t that bad??? What game are you playing lol.

Have any alts? Have fun spending 60-100 hours to get full offset pieces per character.

One of the reasons why arena participation is so bad is largely due to how hard it is for people to get that initial gear.

Imagine you are a normal person that doesn’t browse the forums, that doesn’t play 30 hours a week… you are just a normal person that logs on for a few hours per night.

On a non-weekend an AB loss gives you one mark and ~100 honor. A win gives you 3 marks and ~300 honor. These games can take 30 minutes. Let’s say you win all of them and you get your 12 marks and 1200 honor during that time. It will take you WEEKS to get a single piece assuming you are winning every game. If you see that as being reasonable I have a bridge to sell you.


Did it ever really begin?

What is your standard of comparison for reasonable?

Lets take your ~100 honor win and ~300 honor loss assumption but also account for the Call to Arms (daily PvP quest that gives 419 bonus honor for the first win) and For Great Honor Quests (turn in 1 of each of the 4 marks for 314 honor). Also, a 2 vs 3 node AB will end in 20 min. I would consider 20 min a more average length of any of the BGs. So lets assume each day you log on to do the Call to Arms daily and it takes you 3 games (2 losses and a win) to complete it. That’s only 1 hour of play time a day and this would net you about 1.3k honor assuming you turn in the marks eventually (100x2 + 300 + 419 + 314/4x5). If you assume you dont turn in the marks its still 919 honor. So for a 17k honor cost piece, that would take you 13 - 18 days (depending on how many marks you start with) with one hour of play a day.

That is completely reasonable with a very casual time commitment. One hour a day is about as casual as it gets. Getting a guaranteed piece every ~2 weeks for 13-18 hours of playtime is on par with PvE rate of gearing (you would be lucky to get a piece every 2 weeks in raids).