Burning Crusade Classic Season 2 Ends January 11

It also took 130 Days for the first Kael’thas kill… what’s your point?

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I really wish that an early notice could be given by Blizzard(this season especially). Every season I’m hopeful for this, but always let down. I say “this season especially” for certain reasons. My “friend” who I started playing TBC with, and known for many years, has decided to ditch me last week. We had good rating and I really felt like we could make a push this season. Now today I learn I have 2 weeks to find new people and grind above and beyond my previous team. On top of that, these next 2 weeks are quite busy in the real world. Maybe I could have salvaged something with an earlier notice, but nobody expects their “friend” to leave them dry like I was. I’m now backed in a corner and all I worked for this season is for nothing unless, by some miracle, a team falls into my lap and can play the same hours as me. I really wanted to achieve the gladiator mount this season, and believed it doable. I thought this was a goal my “friend” and I wanted to achieve together. Now I just look like an idiot. GL everyone with what they have left, and I hope none of you are dealing with betrayal like me.


@Kaivax WoW! It’s alive! He/She really does exist! I know pvpers might care about this post, but most of other players would like an update on the server xfers! Wink wink Netherwind, etc…

“We wanted to create that thing, we wanted to memorialize and immortalize it, and we can’t accomplish that by changing it. ~ Ion

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If there is still no release date for phase 3 and arena season 3, then why are you prematurely cutting off this season? What is the reasoning for cutting short the ability for players to earn and make progression on their pvp careers, especially when pve progression can still happen? How long can we expect the downtime to last?

Seriously, what’s going on and what are you really thinking? You don’t pull these baffling maneuvers on the retail side so why is the information so incomplete on the old version of the game?


@Bliz – Please confirm the date that Arena points will be converted to honor. Would be nice to know if the process for the end of S1 will be mirrored (offseason discount) but at the very least please confirm when arena points roll into honor. This is not a big ask…


Original season 2 lasted 23 weeks vs 17 weeks, just because you’re sick of running SSC/TK doesn’t mean everyone is. Unless you are on Whitemane a lot of guilds got hit by people leaving/roster boss in Phase 2 and are just now downing Vashj/KT… I mean, didn’t it take Blizzard a year to go from 9.1 to 9.1.5 in retail? People over here complaining about a phase that lasts 4 months…


Bump - inquiring minds just got to know

I would love to PvP, except all the PvP servers are < 95% one faction. Whats the point of having a PvP server with no PvP? Come on, lets go Blizzard! Merge some servers or give us a free transfer.


nerf rogues, the small PVP population will completely die when they get glaives.

You mean 1 whole week later? You can’t post the following tuesday?

3.5 months of an artificial phase 1 that never existed purely to appease arena rats. still complainin.

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What has been done in favor of “arena rats”. Reduced honor rates? Reduced arena points earned? Starting rating at zero?


They’re exactly like they were before. They hit hard back then but not everyone knew how to use all their utility as well as they do today.

They shouldn’t have changed anything. Not the length of the seasons, not honor gains, not arena rating, not requirements . . . nothing.

This is what happens when Blizzard changes things, they screw it up.


The closest I’ve come to quitting is due to that reason. Climbing arenas, then one team member quits and it completely screws up progression. In fact I don’t think I’ve had a single 3s or 5s team continue after one member quit. It always falls apart.

And while I may not have quit after having that happen a couple times, I have seen a lot of previous arena partners quit the game after the team disbands.

But honestly I think a lot of it has to do with TBC being so broken. Eventually arena becomes half rogue/mage teams, and when you add that in with horrific RNG, engineering items, and other imbalances, it makes a lot of players give up. A lot of people returned for TBC Classic because of arena only to realize it’s a whole lot more broken and absurd than they remember it from 2007.


4 months of an artificial phase 1 to appease terrible vanilla players crying on the forums that other players would be to clearing content “too quickly wah” while they were stuck on gruul/mag, you mean.

Anyone who’s vaguely decent in arena like me didnt care remotely about a slight gear disparity (the season 1 gear still would’ve been preferable over t5 because resil is mandatory). Arena is literally the only hard content in classic, anyone even slightly good at it has been destroying the pve content since day 1, so we had access to all the gear anyway.

uhhh do you know anyone in the gaming industry? they take an exuberant amount of time off during holiday’s. My brother works for double a studio and the amount of paid time off they get is seriously insane. There was one year before covid hit they took off from the week before christmas thru new years week then the week after that the company took them all on a cruise and they weren’t back in the office till the end of january.

I could only imagine how much time blizzard employees get off…

LOL you really think blizzard is taking people on cruises? They are too busy gorging themselves on breast mil…I mean egg nog.

They don’t even pay their employees a decent wage, I don’t think they’re going on any cruises.

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