When can we expect the PVE to PVP transfer option to be live? that wasn’t made clear here.
Thank you
When can we expect the PVE to PVP transfer option to be live? that wasn’t made clear here.
Thank you
The transfer restriction, as well as the restriction on both factions on PvP realms, as well as the single-realm character limit were all lifted earlier this evening.
Any word on opening new realms for free transfer?
How about releasing character names from players who’ve been inactive for a while?
Wait, what?
We need more free transfer destination realms.
How will Blizzard handle the fact that, going forward, there will be in reality only mega severs? There will be… Beneditiction, Faerlina, Grobbulus, and Whitemane as PvP servers.
Especially as right now Sulfuras is currently depopulating as everyone leaves for the better pastures.
You say you’re opening up additional Free transfers but to where?
In the thread that’s “Thoughts on Realm Consolidation” https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/en/wow/t/thoughts-on-realm-consolidation/1263429
It’s talked about that Blizzard likes there to be small servers and that it wants to keep them available for folks to play on.
Yet is that actually true? If it is, why have all the servers transferred to larger servers in TBC?
And what’s the purpose of keeping small servers alive when most of the folks that play on it don’t actually like it, but don’t want to pay for the transfer.
On Sulfuras (the last real “small” active server on the PVP realms), from my understanding, most of the current guilds are either planning to leave for Faerlina when they hit 6/6, prepatch comes, or early on in Wrath so it’s easy leveling.
What is left for that server in that case? How is that keeping a small server alive for folks to play on.
What is Blizzard doing that actually shows that it cares about keeping these servers alive?
Because right now it just points to the fact that Blizzard hasn’t done anything for small servers and the only way to survive and play the game is to exist on megaservers, which is why everyone is transferring to Benediction and Faerlina.
It is actually true that some people like smaller servers, I’m one of them. I followed my guild to Faerlina and my character shows on if.pro as a raider but I’ve never hated the atmosphere of a server more in the whole time I’ve been playing WoW, by a lot. I just like smaller servers (although I have characters on Grobb and do like that atmosphere of that mega server, but it is actually smaller per faction too) Nor can I think of a single positive that I’ve had being on that Faerlina vs being on Earthfury when the pop was 3k. Even things like guild recruitment on Faerlina are drastically worse than they used to be due to no name recognition and some other reasons I’ll mention.
I know that this is probably happening, it did everywhere and so what I say doesn’t matter but going to Faerlina isn’t going to help keep guilds together. At least half if not more of the long-running guilds that moved from Earthfury just a few months ago have died. Moving to Faerlina is a great way to kill a guild as no one knows who you are and a lot of the people you try to recruit end up being complete flakes who will ghost etc. There is next to no accountability or name recognition. So just be warned of that.
I had an argument with a few of the people on here when they claimed that moving to a server with 6x the population would make things so much better as their recruitment options would improve a lot. One of them left the guild they ran because things just kept getting worse not better, the other ones guild is doing the same as it was. Neither is actually in a better spot today.
This I agree with completely so I can’t totally disagree with where your post is coming from.
Any news on the additional free transfer options?
I would particularly like to be able to transfer from Deviate Delight to Bloodsail Buccaneers, if that’s on the table.
It had been announced it was coming, but I assumed it was happening with pre-patch. The switch is from the original 10/server cap to 50/account cap, in line with retail.
Tested this morning before seeing this thread because I saw the ‘create character’ button was up and sure enough.
To be honest, I agree with you on most of this.
I actually like small-medium active servers the best.
I actually do not like mega servers, and most of my guild feels the same.
But, we originally were on one of the smallest realms in classic. And our realm was fine at start of TBC but eventually recruiting / P2 was too hard and many had to look for homes elsewhere so the the server ended up transferring. To give a perspective on how small it is, current Earthfury pop (according to ironforge) is about the how many horde was on my server at start of TBC.
Then we transferred (which was process in and of itself because quite a few didn’t want to transfer but we were forced to because of roster issues) and a decent portion of my guild wanted to go to another small server because that’s what we liked, and those ended up dying a few months later anyway.
Now its the same story of watching another server die as folks transfer away.
So, if I have to go to another server, I’ll go to a server that won’t die on me again. And right now the only horde server I can honestly say won’t do that is Faerlina.
Yeah it sucks to be a nobody on the server. But due to letting unlimited people into the server, there is really no reason to not be on that server for quite a few folks. The end result of the past decisions is really to have everyone be on the same server, whether its wanted to or not, simply because its better to be on a server that will exist and you won’t have to pay to get off of, then be left to die on server that can’t function anymore when the AH is <1000 items.
Please make the bundle transfers available for TBC classic as well! That would be amazing pretty please thank you!
When will the updated server’s list come out???
The months old list of free transfer destinations does not reflect the current state of the game. Additional options are necessary for players returning for WOTLK that are on chopping block realms.
@Aggrend, @Kaivax OB had a good week… we’re only down another 36 raiders this past week!
This… And also release some names from those who haven’t logged in for a while!
@Kaivax, can we get a comment from you or @Aggrend? In the week since I posted this originally, OB has lost another 30-odd raiders.
Without active and persistent GM and blizzard employee oversight… the “small to medium” size servers that “some” people like so much - will fade into nothing as people transfer or stop playing the game. There needs to be a better system to keep things alive and thriving for players… once the “transfer itch” happens, it is a snowball effect, servers die and can’t sustain themselves without blizzard involvement…
Sure I’m here to get my “quick fix” and have Earthfury be on the list for transfer… but it is all pointless, unless the bigger picture of how to do this better in the future - is resolved. Servers will die, subscriptions will get canceled yet again…
Those that fail to remember their past or learn from mistakes are doomed to repeat it.
I think the one thing that would help fix a lot of this is put some free xfers from high pop to some of those low pops because me personally I love the medium sized servers and coming from a high popped pve realm i want to enjoy the pvp action but dont want to be bombarded in pvp since theres so many on the server such as: Faerlina, Benediction etc. One way to really get rid of some of the mega servers and balance out the other smaller servers is to give free xfers from high pops to those lower popped servers that are staying and those players that are like myself will move over there so they wont have to fight players for quest in wrath like it was in classic. As well as level alts with their guilds during the 50% xp bonus
At this point blizz might as well have 1 or 2 servers of each type for east coast and west coast for US servers and call it a day with 151,291 players on classic (according to if pro anyway).
Maybe 2 pve, 2 pvp and an rp server on each coast for example.
That’s a terrible idea.