Burn - Flame Shock

Swing…… and MISS! lol

With existing raid mechanics we are being forced to follow Melee in raid fights that require range to stack and move due to 20yd range on shocks in which we have multiple runes for now that are elemental shaman based. We don’t need more flame shock dmg for trash aoe or CC breaking lol.



You guys asked for this


I actually woke up laughing that they asked for a mental dex change and you guys got one.

Huh? What does this have to do with what I posted?

I’m not sure if you read or not but they mentioned changing burn and they did.

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Nothing in there has to do with what was done to Burn. That is not what he was asking for nor anyone else. I could care less about mental dexterity.

The one saving grace in the dev notes is that they clearly state they don’t think this is going to be a fix to Elemental’s DPS. They just made this change to take the agony of min-maxing away. That being said, I would have preferred the carrot before the stick in this case.

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Sims are currently showing ele sham using LL to proc MD is doing more dps than using burn lol. Glad they decided to do extensive tests for this change like they’ve done for everything else in p3 :joy::joy::joy:

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burn was helm and LL is gloves. i assume you mean LL is simming higher than lava burst?

considering the MSW I assume they would also run with LL, I could see it pulling ahead over LvB. Basically Ele talents Enh runes > Ele talent and Ele runes.

i think even just pure ele and LL every 28ish seconds then press nothing but lightning bolt. makes the rotation a lot easier for sure lol.

I highly doubt that with lava burst being so high in the dmg % that 100 extra spell power would make up.

If it does I’m for it. We are doing that on multiple flghts anyways if we have to play with ranged and stacking in some one who is clueless to shaman shock range.

Depends on the sim and whether or not you reliably weave auto attacks between spell casts (considering low hit with DW and likely no DW rune; or you should just respec to enh at that point). MSW procs often enough on a PPM schedule that 1-2 stacks means often pushing cast times to the GCD for up to 33% more damage (not that high of course).

Incidentally, it effectively killed the 21/20 tank spec that was seeing a little bit of popularity lately.

100 sp is 85ish damage to lb before storm strike and what not on a 2s cast. i can see it since you can also drop flame shock from your rotation.

congrats bliz, ele is tied with ffb mages as the simplest rotation in the game

I’m saying using lava lash on gloves instead of lava burst and using MD over burn is simming higher than burn to helm and lava burst to gloves

yea i can see that being possible, but i also dont trust sims.

It’s probably an easier rotation to pull off than our normal rotation anyway. Pres LL every 30 seconds. Then cast lightning bolt until you need to press LL again. Repeat.

yep im curious if bis is now gnomer set again even after nerf cause you wont have any globals being used by shocks(unless moving) or lvb.

True, it would probably be pretty close

Seriously, just go enhance for pve guys. You’re already in melee, you’re already considering lava lash, and it still does less damage than enhance…

Just make the transition complete.


Not only does it do less DMG than enhance, its the 2nd worse dps spec in the game rn, now we are getting nerfed and spriest is getting a decent buff so I would assume we’ll be the worst dps spec in the game next week lol. Nerfing the 2nd worst pve spec is wild lol