Bullying using dungeon finder

Are you guys doing anything to stop the bullying that is occurring through dungeon finder? People are getting kicked for no reason other than to be bullying them. It happens a lot. And the people doing the kicks keep doing it and they have no consequences, but the person getting kicked has a cooldown and has to wait like they abandoned the run. It has happened to me where I get kicked with no explanation, no problems during the run, no reasons to be kicked… but seconds before the final boss dies i am out of the group.

It happens to guildies and you see people in general chat expressing it happening to them. There has to be some limitation put in place to stop people from doing this. Like only allow someone to vote yes on a kick once a day, or once every 12 hours (put a cooldown on it). That would stop the nonsense.

If you continue to allow it to happen you are just as much participating in online bullying as the people in game. There is one guild in particular that seems to think it is fun and has been doing it a lot.

Please take some time to address this. It has reached the point where I dont even PUG groups through the dungeon finder anymore. I refuse to. Just because this is the way the system worked 10 years ago does not mean you have to leave it that way. This could be easily fixed.

The vote-kick system is designed to give player agency over who they want within the group. Which yes, anyone can vote-kick anyone out of the dungeon for any to no reason at all, as long as the vote-kick passes.

If you wish to provide feedback on this, you’re free to post in the Dungeons, Raids and Scenarios subforums.


This is 100% allowed. It’s not bullying. They didn’t want you in their group, and they don’t need a reason.

Eventually, they will no longer be able to kick players, as there is an internal cooldown.

It’s been addressed. No reason is needed for a kick.


At one time years ago…
Warlocks were kicked … just for being Warlocks. WoD …
I thought that odd that. The Expansion was … what Warlocks do.
The system is fair as can be…

just run with friends…
Good luck have fun…


The kick system can be used nefariously but the benefits of its existence far outweigh the negatives, as before it’s implementation, tanks would notoriously hold their dungeon groups hostage back when it was far more difficult for non-tanks to fight elites.

If the kick system went away, then that behavior would return, even if it would be less effective in the retail version. Unfortunately, this is just what can happen with the system in place and it seems unlikely that resources would ever be allocated to trying to determine whether or not each player reported for vote-kick abuse actually had a good reason for using it.


Anything that would put MORE (because there already are) limits on kicking would cause more trolling and bullying behavior inside dungeons without the ability to kick them.

Its just not truly common for people to get kicked for no reason. Its a rare issue.

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Encouraging toxic behavior is not a good thing Guuah. The better thing to do is put the person on Ignore so you are not grouped with them again in the random dungeon finder.

Blizzard is not going to police every group and make a decision on if a kick is “justified”. They are not going to force a group to play with someone they don’t want in their group, for any reason.

What they can’t do is use language towards someone that violates the game rules. Just not wanting someone in their group is not against the rules though.

Now, all that said, the system is not perfect and there are improvements that can be made. It is currently the lesser of evils so so speak. For example the 30 min debuff for dungeons that take on average 15 mins seems high. The original intent was for the debuff to last an average dungeon length which has changed over the years. Classic not included. They could also ensure the cool down on kicking still functions properly.

Players have the tools to avoid being kicked - they can make their own groups with friends who won’t kick them.


Do not want to get kicked find 3 friends and it can not happen


I only say this because I love you: you should consider stepping off the internet a while.


Mate, you’re going around into other threads because you’re not able to weaponize the report tool. The CS forum isn’t your playground to spread your thoughts here when it’s comes down to you’re not getting what you want.


All of life can be viewed that way, esp if you have some negative interactions. We all have them. Becomming part of what you see as the problem is not the answer though. No matter how frustrated you might be. Being rude, confrontational, or aggressive out of the gates pretty much ensures you get negative reactions. Same here on the forums.

Despite years and years of being a target for misplaced hate against Blizzard, I still don’t try to take it personally and let it frustrate me. MOST people are actually pretty nice, even online. Those who are upset and angry lash out, but I don’t have to be like that.

Takes too much energy and leaves me in a terrible mood IRL! Who wants that!

Think back to how you are treated by the people that matter, like work colleagues, Lounge companions, family, etc. Most seem to be very kind and understanding, welcoming even.


The aim of any of Blizzard’s platforms is not to see who can be toxic first, but to play fairly, and friendly, with everyone. If you want to be toxic in-game, then yes, action can be taken towards you if reported.


No, it’s a matter of if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything.


This is correct. However, it seems your intention is to spread as much misery as possible, since you didn’t get your way in your most recent thread.

If your intention is to be a poster who can give valuable advice in here, then please do so. Everyone is welcome to help others in here, but just being in here because you want to hurt everyone’s feelings is not advised.


The debate on this is that kicking someone is a tool given to all players in those groups. Using it is not considered “toxic” or “bullying”. IF the majority do not want someone in their group, they have a tool to remove them. What they can’t do is use profanity, insults, etc. towards that kicked person.

There are those who get very upset when kicked who feel abused or punished. Hence the terms thrown around.

The system could certainly use some updating, but their wording calling kicks (alone) toxic or abuse would be incorrect based on the rules.

It seems to be something of a crusade, and I don’t know where it started, to get kick removed. I don’t know why people think forcing a group to play with someone would be better. I also don’t know why they think removing the debuff from a kick would be good - we would be back to people trolling the group to get kicked (to avoid a penalty) when they got a random dungeon they did not want.


I was actually talking about behaviour in general. I know that being removed from the group can’t be reported and initiating a vote-kick isn’t considered as being toxic.

It’s two seperate problems I’m seeing atm, in about half the complaint threads at GD the “They NEED to play with me” a little bit further in the posts it comes up that they’re actually, jerks, so the removal is really warranted. The other half looks like power tripping with premade majority groups, but without being there you can’t be really sure.

In the other threads where people advocate for a removal of the debuff they’ve been either a “personal victim” of this and don’t understand why. Even if you explain this to them they simply cannot comprehend the extreme scale of hostage taking that took place pre-VTK because most of us are honestly dinosaurs at this point that still remember it.

Toggling the button on and off for VTK I’m 100% sure they will blame Blizzard for not having anything to deal with nasty people, AFKers, tanks/healers who just say “oh I don’t need anything pls kick me” in dungeons again and forget who it was who demanded it all along on the forums.


Third issue on GD - people making up fake stories about how they were “abused” by the kick system. Then you find out the story is not even possible based on how the kick system works. “These 2 or 3 pre-grouped people kicked me”. It takes a 4th vote to kick if the others are grouped, not just a simple majority. A lot of the stories there are not at all holding up. I just don’t know WHY this whole crusade is even happening. The system needs some updates, but tossing it out is overkill and what they ask for is illogical. Basing it on lies about the system is esp not a good argument for their case.


I mean I will grab for example a recent EU thread about this where the OP went into extremist-mode and another poster just went “lul remove it” (+Conspiracy theory on veto addon xD)

Come on, man. Don’t do this.

This was your last post in that thread (besides the one the got deleted):

And now, the very next day, you’re here encouraging people to be “toxic first”. We can see through your whole “I’m just adapting”. You’re not happy with with the responses you got, and you’re lashing out. You’re better than that.

You’re 100% right that kicking someone is not considered toxic. But encouraging players to be more toxic, or pre-emptively toxic, is not allowed.