Bullions in real season content

Really hoping Blizz sees all the positive feedback on Bullions this season and they find a way to incorporate them into real seasons going forward. It’s crazy how much more fun the game is when you get to do some content and then select a piece of gear instead of praying to the RNG gods for the piece you want. I’d rather see all of the bosses drop loot tokens and maybe some ultra rare pieces. The frustration that comes from RNG loot far outweighs the excitement when good loot actually drops.


they already had this exact same system in SL s4 (dinars) and did not keep it in this xpac’s ‘real seasons.’

so, yeah.


Somehow I doubt they want us to gear up fast and unsub in real seasons.


Its fun because its a last hurrah season with rotating raids for a bit and its mostly a “Muck around and have fun” season.

If they did this with normal seasons, at least as easy as what Bullions are, it’d kill the game halfway through the season when everyone is maxed everything.

With that said I do agree there should be a limited system, like S4 SL Dinars, where you can only get 3 items. When there is only 1 raid, chances are there is only a couple of super must have items and the rest you can get in time, equivalents or catalyst - this wouldnt be “EZ Mode” gearing but would function as bad luck protection without removing the carrot entirely from the stick. It should have a pool of loot from M+ and Raid for the season you can spend them on.

Beacon is a great example - its a tremendously fun trinket, even if its not the BiS, and its a blast to play with. Bad luck means you can go the whole season and never get it and just miss out.

Personally, despite clearing to 26’s and getting no 489 weapon until the last few weeks and even then not the good timestrike weapon just felt bad. Opening my vault week after week and socketing all my solo pet heal leech set items and my speed run around quickly farming set items and STILL not having the weapon some people had since week 1 was just frustrating and the opposite of fun. If I could have used a Dinar/Bullion to buy it half way through the season Id have had a lot more fun.


This is exactly why the end of an expansion is WAAAAAAY more fun than the beginning (or even middle).


Do what ff14 does
a boss specific “bullion” that lets you buy a piece of gear from that boss after a few weeks


I agree 100% that they should keep the once-a-week raid currency going forward and each season have a bunch of transmog options up for purchase (could rotate around transmogs from previous raids or something).

I can see whey they might not want to allow you to always buy actual gear that way, but I’m sure they could set it up in such a way to still work. Make it so you need to have beaten the last boss in the raid tier at least once to be able to buy the weapon/trinkets for each difficulty, or something.

It really gives you a reason to take alts to raids knowing you’ll at very least by able to buy some cool transmogs.

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They aren’t going too. They addressed this in the instance of dinars in SL.

The long term solution I want them to try is to have it so you can spend 6 vault tokens on a Bullion.

That way you have a few positives. Players get bad luck protection, deterministic gear, and this thing called… choice? Yes, choice.

It’s staring them in the face. It’s obvious. Two weeks of vault to pick what you want is a fair trade.


Id like it if they made it so that once a month you can select a piece of gear. Maybe 1 Bullion every 2 weeks and keep the cost at 2. Add the current season M+ loot to the vendor as well. Will help combat bad rng but will be slow enough so that you still have some incentive to keep playing. Maybe even make it require certain milestone achievements to get the item on certain upgrade tracks.

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I don’t buy the people will gear up and unsub theory. Raid loggers might, but I think everyone else would keep playing. I’m playing some alts now just because I can pick up awesome weapons for them. And with the faster content cycle they’re trying to push gearing up faster might not be a bad thing.

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Huh? You press the button, you stand still for a second or two, and you do a lot of damage once the cast finishes. Your definition of “fun” is incredibly different from mine.

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Blowing things up for 1m+ crits will never not be hilarious. Getting 5 people with Beacon to unload at once on a boss and watch as 5m+ HP just vanishes in an instant is hilarious. In fact with the new version being good for 2m+ crits, towards the end of the season my guild has a plan to stack crit and see how far we can go with just beacon annihilation.

Edit: Clutching kills with a turtle + beacon that just came off cooldown feels so good.

Agreed. We get 2 bonus ones this week for running the 4 mythics too

The boullion you get now lets you get the bis items for the entire expansion. Whatever you want from any raid.

They are not going to do it every raid if for no reason is that they need people playing the full season and not geared up in a week or 2. This is why even the vault is rng.

I brought this up during a stream yesterday and the streamer had a good idea, why not start it later in the season like week five of season one or something? The RWF is over, the people who raid had a chance to get the gear “legit,” already and they will probably be ready for some bad luck protection in the form of bullions.

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I have long thought that the RNG system needed a balance between the excitement of getting that rare drop vs the disappointment of being the last person in creation to get the one thing you really wanted and then having it go out of style shortly after you finally get it.

My proposal would be a vendor or reforger of some sort at the entrance to the raid. If you get items from the raid that you don’t need, a “Fragment of _____” could be created by the interface that turned the item into a sort of soulbound mat or currency that you could have them create or reforge into the item you want from the raid? I am not sure how this would actually need to work, but the gist is that you either get the item, or you get a certain amount of “X” that you can use to have them make an item for you once you have killed the boss enough times that you should have had it drop reasonably through the probability alone. Certain things like mounts etc. may not be included with this?

I don’t know what the best answer is, but RNG insurance should be a thing to some extent.

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Right now we get a Bullion every two weeks and 2 when the dungeon quest rolls around.

I agree, that would be too much for normal seasons, but what if the only source of the Dinars was the weekly dungeon quest that comes up once or twice a season (could add a raid component as well) so that you could realistically only get 1 or 2 items per season?

That way, people aren’t speed gearing but there is also and end in sight of the immense frustration that is being more than halfway through the season and still not having seen the extremely rare trinket your class needs drop at all, let alone win the roll.

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Psure Blizzard realizes most people lose interest in playing when they’ve gotten all their gear.


Came here to say this.

Season 4’s, at least the last 2 we’ve had, are probably considered by Blizzard as the “fun” seasons. Less restrictive, more open, more bad luck protection, less focus on player retention. It’s just kind of like adding a bouncy castle to a waiting room. We’re all waiting for TWW, so let’s go ahead and have some fun while we wait. None of this gear actually matters. Nor does the content, as it’s all rehashed and recycled from the previous 3 seasons.

There’s no RWF. There’s no incentive to push through barriers. It’s just kind of chill. Blizzard doesn’t really care about letting you have access to the biggest and best gear, as there’s no reason not to. The most it would do is provide some enjoyment until TWW and also make it slightly easier to quest in starting TWW content.

However, if this were say, S1 of TWW, Blizz isn’t going to want you to have your BIS in 3 weeks. WoW has always and probably will always be a loot treadmill where you’re constantly moving towards the biggest and the best gear. The problem with that, is when you’ve hit the end, you lose all incentive to play and typically end up quitting or taking a break.

There’s no replayability with WoW, outside of rerolling your class. You can’t really start over, until the next season, or expansion. That’s why you see so many people play for 2 weeks and walk away until next season. This is exactly why I love the paragon feature from D3, and wish they would add it to D4.

With WoW though, it’s never about the destination, it’s about the journey.