Bullions in real season content

I don’t think that’s true. DF S2 and S3 had very high participation throughout and gearing was faster than ever before. When most players get max gear I think they’re more likely to keep pushing content or play alts than just quit playing.

My anecdotal experience of guild activity and btag friends I make in a season all tend to die out about 2.5-3 months into a season.

Players gear up, achieve their Aotc/ksm/ksh/portals, then take a break.


I agree that there should be a tangible way to grind target items in wow even if it means buying bullions with vault tokens similar to how we buy sockets and extra sparks…

maybe you can save up for a bullion/dinar every 2 weeks, costs 12 vault coins (2x the socket cost)

RNG is very necessary in WoW especially to keep players engaged during real seasonal content (not awakened/fated) BUT there should absolutely be a way to TARGET gear that you want without being victim to RNG… Especially if you play the game the ENTIRE season.

Obviously as of this season it does not exist anymore but maybe blizzard could implement something for bullions/dinars similar to the old cross realm mythic restriction… After the hall of fame is filled each tier… blizzard can enable dinars/bullions be purchasable for 12x vault tokens…

There should definitely be some kind of TANGIBLE grind to things we want rather than LOL RNG for the entire season… and obviously it would have to work in a way that doesn’t totally trivialize content… I think this would be a fair and realistic solution.

It just makes sense.

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The vast majority of raid teams don’t finish their progression in 5 weeks. That’s not “late” into the season.

My anecdotal is the same, aotc and thats it, not even BiS.
Looking at raider io, it is obvious most keys are done until they give best gear/portals, very few continue using that BiS gear to challenge themselves in really hard keys.

The answer is not to make it revolve around the RWF but the hall of fame.

RWF is an artificial event created by the community and not sponsored by blizzard.

I could see them doing this after the official hall of fame is filled up each tier… like in my previous post.

If arbitrary RNG for loot drops is what ultimately keeps players logging in and making loot fully deterministic would kill the game, then I argue that the game’s already dead anyway.

But I counter that if less time was spent on gearing (or trying to gear) a character, general player mood would actually improve and likely lead to them engaging with parts of the game that they normally wouldn’t, either due to burnout from the gear chase or from not having time due to the gear chase.

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You clearly have no idea who or what raid logging is

I also love how you guys ignore that the devs have already commented on this.

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I actually heavily disagree with this mindset, the endless carrot on the stick for RNG loot is not a better long term retention tool than having a player get loot they want and be able to play the way they want to. It’s like the when the corruption vendor being on rotation in BFA didn’t keep players subbed, I’ve actually been playing WAY more than I had been prior to this season. RNG with some way to get a specific peice of loot you want is a better system than just pure RNG.

Blizz is actively trying to change the stance on it’s gameplay loop. That’s why they are focusing on delves and the community events. They want to give players other reasons to play than just treating wow as a Gear acquisition simulator.

Obviously it’s not for everyone, but people are going to gear fast no matter what they try to do. So why fight it? If not bullions, at least bring back seals of twisted fate so we can have a bonus roll again. They should continue to put their creative energy into things that distance from treating getting gear and raids as the “only content” people sub for. A good other example would be if there was player housing to act as content.

Gearing always does feel better in a S4 season. Its faster higher currency caps and you can pick what gear you want to buy. I think they don’t have this in regular seasons because they want it to take longer to gear.

Exactly, this season 4 stuff is too fast for a regular season… and I say that as a casual who would like 5 bullions a week LOL.

But 1 every other week starting in week 7, like the old catalyst charges. Or 1 a month and keep the dungeon bonus event as 2 more. ORRRRRRR don’t give any automatically but make the weekly dungeon and the timewalking events give it? There are lots of ways they could do it and give us just enough gear to string us along.

Exactly, if bullion existed every season, id play way more alts


They could time gate this to 1-2 pieces per season if they wanted to. I love it, but I do get that it really does step on raiding’s toes.

yep, I would play MORE if bullions existing and I think most casual players would too. Would the raiders be done sooner, maybe. But it’s a numbers game.

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Raiderio and other sites actually show that players kept playing throughout S3. There were still almost 900K keys being logged weekly during the final weeks. That’s a lot more than very few. There were a bunch of guilds streaming mythic Fyrakk attempts on the very last night and they had all been in full BiS for a long time.

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Well that is your opinion, it probably suits you if you like playing after getting BiS or you play alts.
If it would be really true that players play more after gearing to BiS, Blizzard would remove all raid lockouts, all timegates and all RNG. Since they dont do it, I doubt this is the case.
Im actually surprised they are making account-wide renown for TWW, since that will speed players up a lot, those who play alts at least. Maybe they intend to introduce some other system to slow players down.

This might be true, I really don’t know. But, it’s strange to me, what’s the point of getting the gear if you aren’t going to enjoy it?

That only shows players still didnt have bis and wanted to gear up for S4, thus playing gearing keys, sub-21.
What does bunch of guilds mean? 10-15 guilds? Does that number matter in whole wow playerbase? They wanted CE at the last moment, they didnt chase BiS

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There are some who enjoy parsing in BiS gear, but mostly getting BiS is destination, not a journey.