This literally has more views than their guidelines, but can’t get a response from blizzard after an entire week
i would literally blow trinket on this bug every arena if i could
This is infuriating especially in pvp, powershifting to get away and break snares. Having to spam a manual /cancelform in between is so slow and even then sometimes it doesn’t even do anything for several seconds. putting a cancelform in the macro isn’t a very good workaround since there are a lot of downsides like accidentally going into human form for a global and also not having enough mana to back into a form
How long do we wait before unsubbing if our class is broken with not even an explanation or confirmation a fix is being worked on?
canceling my office 365 sub until this gets fixed
Small 40mb patch today seems to have fixed the bug. Still wish blizz woulda just said something in the meantime
Yep, issue seems resolved.
I just got stuck in cat form on illidari council and was unable to pick up Veras
Yeah still not fixed. We just wiped on council because I couldn’t shift. I wasn’t able to cancel aura out of it either that time. Really sucks to not be able to use the primary ability a druid has.
Hey blizzard, please figure this out and fix this. Just cost our raid a illidan kill.
I may as well unsubscribe since you don’t want to fix this, and I only have one character. I need a break anyway.
You’ve had a week.
After the update that was pushed last night I tried following these steps to reproduce this error and I was unable to. I have a raid tonight and will report back if I have any issues in real life scenarios.
Shift to cat form
Wait for 1 tick of energy
Shift to cat
Try to shift to cat immediately
Seems they fixed it without telling anyone? I cant recreate it anymore.
Is this fixed, yet?
Ive had this bug happening to me since the update for p4. Been stuck in cat ~10 times or so. Fix druids please!
Following up, didn’t have any issues this raid - it looks like that stealth update on Monday fixed the issue. Still no word from Blizzard though - ah well.
I was stuck in cat form in BT on Tuesday so this is still not fixed
Ridiculous that this hasn’t even been acknowledged yet tbh
@Bill_Gates yooo, wtf?