Nah it’s a one button macro that depending on situation will mount, use travel form or use aquatic form. Before patch the only tags it had besides /use or /cast were [combat] and [nocombat].
Worked flawlessly before. Doesn’t now. Ignores whatever is on the third line of the macro.
Getting stuck out of form was SO MUCH FUN in ZA last night… Fix druids Blizzard.
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Bump, Save the ferals! Powershifting bug is cringe
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Reporting for my other run, other bear tank couldn’t get out of cat into bear. Wiped our timed run.
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Can we at least get a blue post acknowledging the problem? Our class is broken.
Hey everyone,
Posting this to bump and provide notice of a workaround, you can utilize the macro below to ensure you drop forms if you get stuck in one with your normal macro. Hopefully this will help some of you bridge the gap until Blizzard provides an official fix/response.
One more keybinding!
/cancelaura Dire Bear Form
/cancelaura Cat Form
/cancelaura Travel Form
/cancelaura Swift Flight Form
/cancelaura Aquatic Form
Was still happening as of last night. Had an issue changing forms in ZA.
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Please fix this soon. Having the same issue.
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How is there still no blue post acknowledging this issue?
Warriors and other melees get confirmation of their chicken bug or haste pot bug in no time at all. But for some reason we’re struggling to hear anything over a bug that literally breaks our class.
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Can we please get some sort of response?
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daily check in for a blue response
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druids are broken we need a fix now!
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I guess it’s time to re-roll warrior. I bet if they were locked in stances this would have been fixed yesterday.
Bump, was hoping to see at least a blue post by now, preferably a hot fix
fixed yet? owned on boss as off tank chasing threat behind this bug.
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Checking on this again…no fix yet eh? Sadge
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Confirmed after restart this morning that there are still issues.
Was able to use /cancelaura cat form, as a workaround to get out of cat form.
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I can’t switch forms to feral charge in pvp sometimes… please hotfix
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