Bug with Ragnaros

when you phase in to the fight, instant dc.
log back in and you are caught in a load in loop.


First time my group zoned in on Ragnaros, we zoned in UNDER HIS HAMMER SMASH AS IT LANDED. We all died, had to start from scratch. Second time we tried it, we get caught in an infinite load loop.


Same. More than half of my party got stuck in load loop.


small indie company

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Same. Can’t complete Rag

Yikes! That’s rough lol.

can confirm this… we have to k eep on doing this fight over and over again and it keeps bugging out. … very very irritating.

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Same. Somehow we still completed the quest but yeah 4 times stuck in time warp

Same, we’re on try 6 and keep getting stuck

Having the same issue. After 4 tries, I gave up for now. No issue on the BC event.

same.all ppl stuck in the loop and always dc

I get stuck in an infinite loop with multiple dc’s until the whole party dies. How do I fix this? Relogging and Reloading have done nothing to help.

fix your sh!t game pls blizzard jesus how hard is it to test ur content before you release this crap


Getting stuck in a endless loop then DC and log back in to the same crap…Blizzard you own me a ton of gold for repairs from this huge bug with Rag…almost 500 gold so far on him.

Edit …got into a second group we get too Rag and same bloody chit again endless loop looping …fix this mess. I am now up too over a 1,000 gold of repairs on Rag…fix it.

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Since nobody has actually specified, is this timewalking Firelands Rag we’re all talking about? There are at least 5 Rag fights in thegame.

Solution until a hotfix: When you phase in, DO NOT MOVE. Stand there for 2-3 seconds until the yellow phase swirl effect is completely gone then you can move and it’ll work perfectly fine.

I had this 4 times in a row till eventually we only had about half a group left and a determination of 5.

I hadn’t moved one bit and still got stuck in looping for many many tries so far…

i did finally get it to work, but right before i re-queued, i reset all instances.

same here :confused: